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RPG Maker Pixelcrea - Creature Capturing RPG


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Synopsis: You start on your 18th birthday deciding to become a Pixa Battler, after taking a small test you're given a Pixa as your starting companion which you'll then be able to level up, and go through the world battling others. The game will have some basic creature collecting mechanics you'd expect in any game of the genre, as well as some not so unique features such as how to gain extra Pixas. This game is being developed around the board game my company is developing, and will feature elements as such. After defeating an enemy you'll get random items, these can range from a Pixa to add to your PC which you'll be able to add to your party from, to equipment that will help you out along your journeys. An entirely Pixelated world at your disposal with a linear quest to follow, extra content to branch out in, puzzles, fights, and legendary Pixas to find. Oh, on top of all of this, there's literally tons of references/easter eggs in the game. These range from anime, older cartoon and games. There's only 4 elements in the game as well, Earth (an even mixture of gameplay), Fire (more combat oriented), Water (Defensive and Tank filled), and finally Soul (Healing/Support). Each one has it's own unique playstyle and abilities that can both compliment one another.

Characters: There are 185 unique Pixas you'll be able to collect throughout your journey, some common, other rare and some still can only be found in specific areas in the map making exploration something to strive for.
Starter Pixas
Earthma.png - Earthma
Firema.png- Firema
Waterma.png -Waterma
billy.png - Billy

Other Pixas
aftar.png - Aftar

Agarish.png - Agarish

blubbles.png - Blubbles

crustocean.png - Crustocean

Donny.png - Donny

gex.png - Gex

sebacrab.png - Sebacrab

Those are just a few, and the larger images are the final Pixilation's of the Pixas. A Pixelation is when you give them to someone that turns them into the better form of themselves. Most Pixas have three Pixilations, however some have 2 or even 1.

The game is still in early development, however there's currently over 40 unique abilities (around 75 after everything) all with pixelized graphics. currently over 15 unique 8/16 bit music, as well as some animations around the map. Below are some gameplay GIFs for your viewing pleasure.

This first video showcases the test you take, depending on your answers you can get 4 different resulting Pixa starters. So your starter will match your playstyle more or less based off of your answers.

This is a GIF showcasing the basic starting area.

This GIF showcases the jumping mechanics. This is slightly hidden and allows you to go to areas that you wouldn't expect to be able to go to. Sometimes having hidden treasure, or areas with more rare Pixa Spawns.

The final GIF is an updated version on how combat works. You're able to place 3 Pixas out at a time, and you tend to battle multiple other Pixas in a row, though sometimes it ranges from 1-5 pixas at a time.

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Resource Team
There's a lot of differences between this and pokemon. Though it is in the same genre which happens to be very limited. You don't capture Pixa's like you do in Pokemon. Instead there's a 1/10 chance to obtain the Pixa you defeat in battle. On top of that there's only 4 elements, and each one has a specific role. Fire is mostly damage dealing, water is more tank, earth is a mix of everything, and soul is a support. Making it more essential imo to have a mix of everything in your party for higher fights. On top of that you fight with your entire party versus just one on one. There can be multiple Pixa's in a fight as well making the game potentially harder.

The game uses mechanics from the Board Game version that is being developed :)


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Resource Team
One of the most long and repetitive things I've had to do in a while was to resize 185 images, then rename all 185 images, and do it all over again 4 separate times to get this to work. But the results are totally worth it!

I've also slightly changed up the battle screen. Adding a more unique feel to the game.

There's still a lot more stuff I'm working on, but these are the major changes thus far!
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Resource Team
fishing.gifWorking Deck.gif

After over 3 days of working I've finally completed the fully working Deck (PC) where you can withdraw and deposite your Pixas in them! Holy moly that whole thing was insane to make. All 185 Pixas fully work, as well as a few easter eggs in there for random other numbers lol.

I've also successfully added Clouds and a fully custom fishing system to the game without any use of plugins!


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Resource Team
Title: Unveiling Pixacrea: A Monster Taming RPG Triumph on Kickstarter
Introduction: Pixacrea has taken the gaming community by storm, emerging as a sensational Monster Taming and Creature Collecting RPG Video Game. The buzz around Pixacrea reached a crescendo when it achieved full funding on Kickstarter in a jaw-dropping time frame of less than 5 hours. In this blog article, we delve into the captivating world of Pixacrea, exploring its unique features and the remarkable journey it undertook to become a Kickstarter success story.
  1. The Genesis of Pixacrea: Pixacrea didn't just materialize out of thin air. Learn about the creative minds behind this extraordinary game, the inspiration that fueled its development, and the vision that sets it apart from other RPGs in the genre.
  2. Monster Taming Extravaganza: At the heart of Pixacrea lies the thrilling experience of taming and collecting monsters. Dive deep into the mechanics that make monster taming a central element of the gameplay, and discover the vast array of creatures players can encounter and add to their collection.
  3. Kickstarter Triumph: The success story of Pixacrea on Kickstarter is nothing short of remarkable. Explore the strategies employed by the development team to create a campaign that resonated with backers, and learn how the game managed to secure full funding in an astonishingly short span.
  4. Unique Gameplay Features: What sets Pixacrea apart from other RPGs? Uncover the distinctive gameplay features that make Pixacrea a must-play for avid gamers. Whether it's innovative battle mechanics, immersive storytelling, or stunning visuals, Pixacrea has something for every gaming enthusiast.
  5. Community Engagement and Beyond: Pixacrea's journey doesn't end with Kickstarter success. Delve into the community engagement strategies employed by the developers, and explore the plans for the game's future, including updates, expansions, and events that keep players hooked.
  6. What the Future Holds: As Pixacrea embarks on its journey post-Kickstarter, what can players expect in terms of updates, expansions, and continued support? Get a sneak peek into the roadmap of Pixacrea and find out how the game plans to evolve in response to player feedback and emerging trends in the gaming industry.
Conclusion: Pixacrea has not only captured the hearts of backers on Kickstarter but is set to make a lasting mark in the world of RPG gaming. This blog article serves as a comprehensive guide to Pixacrea, ensuring that enthusiasts and curious gamers alike have a go-to resource for understanding the magic behind this Monster Taming and Creature Collecting RPG sensation. Get ready to embark on an epic journey as Pixacrea takes the gaming world by storm!

Fully funded in less than 5 hours! Check out the Kickstarter campign here: