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[Paid] Zeb's Soundtrack Shop


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
Hello, hello! The name's Zebestian and I make music! I'm mostly self-taught and have been composing soundtracks for about five years now. "Mostly" self-taught because I played the saxophone in my school's orchestra during my high school years where I picked up a thing or two about music as well.
I haven't made any contributions to any commercial games yet, but I do have a vast amount of sample songs that show my capabilities. I'm offering my services here to sort of build a portfolio and make music for actual games, so if you need some music made, I'm your guy~! (cat)

Sample music (jolly)
If you need more samples or just want to listen to my stuff, I suggest you head over to my SoundCloud!

Pricing (glee)
  1. Prices are being calculated per composed minute; additionally, half-minute rates as well as rounding the total length up or down will affect the pricing (see points 2 to 5).
  2. If a song’s total length is between :00 to :24 of a minute, it will be rounded down to the last full minute (i.e. if a song’s length is 2:21 it will be rounded down to 2 minutes); the only exception to this are songs under one minute.
  3. If a song’s total length is between :25 to :39 of a minute, half the minute rate will be added to the total price (i.e. if a song’s length is 2:36 the total price will be 2x minute rate + 1/2x minute rate).
  4. If a song’s total length is between :40 to :59 of a minute, it will be rounded up to the next full minute (i.e. if a song’s length is 2:49 it will be rounded up to 3 minutes).
  5. The current base price per minute is 50€ (half minute rates are at 25€ accordingly); rush orders (less than a week) will cost double the total price.
  6. I will consider any song length limit given by a client; you can always tell me how long you would like your song to be.
  7. Additional fees depending on work hours and complexity of the commissioned song may apply. You will be informed of this before completion of your order.
Prices are negotiable. I do have some leeway here and if you barely can't afford a commission I can accommodate, provided that you tell me beforehand. I don't want people to not be able to afford my services, but I do want to keep my pricing reasonable.
I will also give discounts to people who commission an entire game soundtrack as opposed to a single song commission. Prices for that will depend on how many songs you need for your game.

Terms of Use (cheeks)
  1. I, the composer, will retain all rights to any song I compose for you.
  2. I will be using any song I composed for you for my personal portfolio and will be posting them on my SoundCloud profile as well as various social media sites and forums; if you want them to stay unpublished until a certain date, talk to me and we’ll work something out.
  3. You, the client, have exclusive right to use any commissioned work for any commercial and/or non-commercial projects; the songs I make for you are yours and yours only to use. However, you are not allowed to edit my work in any way and reposts may only be made with proper credit and reference.
  4. You will credit me in-game as well as outside of your game as either Sebastian Schwamm and/or Zebestian and you will include a link to my SoundCloud and YouTube where it is possible (links in my signature).

Additional Information (cool)
  • please be advised that your orders might take some time to be finished since composing is not my actual job and I have other things that require my attention
  • only one commission at a time per client; if you want to have more songs made for you, please wait until your current order is done
  • payment via PayPal only
  • I will require visual references (i.e. the scene in the game where the song is used) and/or detailed descriptions of what you would your song to sound like; you can also give me a musical reference if you like – however: I don’t do soundalikes or covers

If you want to hire me, just shoot me a PM here on the forums. That's the easiest way to contact me since I check in here pretty much daily~!
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The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
Has anyone bought anything yet?
I do get the occasional commission here and there; mostly about one a month or one every two months. Not a lot of people seem to need exclusive, custom music for the games at the moment.