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(Paid/Commission) Rune Factory Project Recruitment

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Hey Everyone! I am working on a rune factory fan game, mostly for my parents, who are fans of the series and was disappointed by the series ending, due to neverland LTD going out of business. I have a good solid story built for the game and the game world, as well as many of it's characters written out and I have started to put the game together.

Now, that being said, there are still many things I need, and could definitely use help with, such as scripting, spriting, map design, music, and so on. I am looking for a team of willing fans and help to help get the project rolling, and I am willing to pay for the help I receive, which I can now do now that I have a job.

Anyone willing to work with me on this project, please contact me so that we can get down to it. I may have a spriter lined up, but it may be a while before he can help me out. So don't hesitate to ask me if a position is free.


Residential Vampire
Will you need portraits/animated portraits for the characters? Will there be very strict deadlines, or more loose and work-our-own-pace? I could very well do the art portraits for the character(s) that need them - and give them a little bit of animation (blinking/mouth movement/expression). But not sure if your game will require that. I have to sprite on another project that'll be taking up most my time or else I'd offer more. I'm also ill quite a lot so I'd need time to finish the drawings as opposed to lots of deadlines.

I'm also willing to sing for any vocal/OP/ED theme etc. needed.

Here's a couple of images, sketches mostly, and colored samples. Nothing finished. Since most of my finished, detailed stuff is reserved for games of others. > .<;; Plus I used no references on these sloppy sketchworks. So I'll take better care for quality if you have me draw anything for you.
(Unfinished child character for one of my personal things and someone made a "bookmark" out of it XD)

(BLEACH style requested)

And weapon-ish example in case that's needed. (I prefer drawing characters. I tend to not be able to draw furries or animals as well but I can try? Better with humanoids - male or female either.)
Singing Example (I like to use my "rock" voice and sing rock better, but I can also sing pop in my more natural voice. I also prefer singing in Japanese, but I can as well in English and German.)

Sorry all examples are a few years old. The quality of everything will probably be better than what you see or hear here, but I don't upload much stuff new. ^^;; Just contact if you are interested in anything).
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Praised Adventurer
@FANGirl ...

How to do 'spoiler' tags..? Here's how...

Start off with an opening Square Bracket ('['...)...
Type the Key Word 'spoiler' (without the inverted commas, of course...)...
Now a closing Square Bracket (']'...)...

Then insert the Text, or Pics, or whatever is to be inside the Spoiler...

Now we close with another tag, by opening another Square Bracket ('['...)...
Important..! We use a Slash, ('/'...), which the System takes to mean 'End of'...
The Key Word 'spoiler' again...
... and finally the closing Square Bracket (']'...).

That's it..! Hope this helps.
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