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[Paid and Free] Mapper

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Hiya all! my names HellZ and I love mapping. It is one of the few aspects of RPG Maker that I don't SUUUUUUUUUUCK at. so that said, i'm offering to make maps for people, just describe it as much as you can, and if you have custom-made tilesets, send them to me via PM. if you can pay me, great! If you just want something for free, that's great too, I get to work on my mapping skills. Just don't expect it to be first place, I mean, like, don't expect me to work on the free map before the paid map. you know how it goes. I can generally have a map finished within 30-45 minutes. a good map within an hour or two, and a great one will take about four hours.

Ravani Lestari

Towns Guard
Once you know your way around mapping, the next step would be to work on parallax mapping, and if you get into that, I am sure you could make bank off of it. It will take a little longer than mapping, but the results are worth it. I'm going to be re-doing all of the maps I used in my alpha version to create more diversity and variance in the maps, since the alpha was more about testing game features and the battle system. Do you have any reference pics of your mapping skills?
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