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Old Art v. New Art

Which is better?

  • Total voters


Towns Guard
I took some pointers from the lovely people on this forum, as well as a few art tutorials I got from one of those lovely people.
I got a suggestion to show my art to see if it was as bad as I thought it was before I got those pointers.
Thus, I decided I would simply show what I have done so far on the main character's model side-by-side with the original model.
For those who don't know, this is for a WIP project I'm making for VXA called "The Factory," partly to make a game and get it out there, but mostly to better my skills.
Edit: New Model updated to have all three parts of the front stepping animation.
Edit: Just to clarify, I prefer the new model. The votes for the old model aren't me. Also, what kind of freak do I have to be to be up at 5/6 in the morning?
Edit: I just got done with the left stepping animation for the new model (glad)
Edit: The New Model is done (glad)
Edit: New/Old Tile Art added, and the poll was changed to be about that since most of you agreed the New Model for the character looked better.
Edit: Turns out I can't change the poll. Oops.



There are two spikes because I forgot the first tile of a tileset must be blank. The green thing is a teleporter, and they will be added to the new tileset at some point in the future. The large red and green thing are a button, which incorporate with the spike tile. The tiles with holes are spike tiles, and the spikes will be an overlay that disappears for use in puzzles.

The reason there are about 9 of the main tiles (floor and wall) is because with the new style I am trying, everything will have an outline to make it fit with the character I made. The old art has more tiles (teleporters, AR logo that will be significant to plot (cheeky)) because it was made back when I hadn't seen any videos on how to make good art, and as a result thought "Is this weird art I made acceptable?
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Towns Guard
The New Model for my main character is done!
I also got some tile art done, too, and I plan to post the old and new versions of that soon to get some feedback on which is better. I like the cartoony look of the New Tiles more, but when making a game I feel the obligation to ask for the opinions of other designers--art is especially an area that I feel this need.


The new ones are definitely much better. The only thing I'd suggest is working on the new tileset a bit more, like you've stated.


Towns Guard
I'm going to keep the New Art style, and I'm going to make a new thread that will simply showcase some of the art I have for the game and allow people to critique it and say what would make it look better. I'll put the link for that thread here when I finish making the thread.