Indie Dev

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Ohayo, minna!


Hi Everyone!

My name is Christian and I come from Italy. I hope not to write nonsense, but I'm not very good with English and I apologize in advance.

So... I'm 21 years old and I'm on Game Maker from 2003. I study theater and next year, I should get into an academy of acting. I love Basket, chocolate, write (all day I write on GDR), cosplay, RPG game (I can't believe that!) and books. And I look My Little Pony like a fool like say that on a forum!

I started try make a little jrpg for friends and... nothing. But I continued and I'm here! Now I started doing a project a bit bigger aaaaand... time will tell!

I'm not sure I can do a good translation for the project, but I'll try! Never surrender(?)!


And yes: I took the rules of English grammar to read another time to make this post!

In the end ... thank you for your attention and now I come to collect resources on the pony game! (...)


Questo e` suo marito (di Jodis). Ciao dall'America. Spero che le cose vi trovino bene dopo i terramoti.

(to all English speakers this for those in Italy: It means:
This is her husband (of Jodis). Hello from America. I hope that things may find you well after the earthquakes)

My hubby specks Italian and he put that in for me. I checked on google to see how good is was and we tried 3 they all sucked.
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Thank you all for the welcome!

@Lore Definitely I ask if I have questions! <3

@Dad3353 Surely I will have more to learn than anything else, but also I try the rest, in my ability!

@MinisterJay I hope to continue like this! My grades were not the best, in the grammar. but I continued working out at home and it's always a different language from my! Surely, I could compare with someone who is more accustomed to me, or is the mother language, it helps me a lot on this side!

@Jodis Hello from Italy! They continue, but are working to help earthquake victims, and we hope to finish in soon! Two renaissance monuments have also plummeted (churches) with various villages, but for now are two days that situation is quite stable with some settling in a while. We hope to continue to improve more and more, so that those who have been displaced can return in peace of mind -as far as possible in the early days. But now we change the subject and go back on the ponies! Or on ferrets and raspberries!

( And for husband of Jodis... italian speck of: Continuano, ma si sono attivati per aiutare i terremotati e speriamo che terminino presto! Sono anche crollati due monumenti rinascimentali (chiese) con vari paesi, ma per ora sono due giorni la situazione è abbastanza stabile con qualche assestamento ogni tanto. Speriamo che continui a migliorare sempre più, così che chi è stato sfollato possa tornare in maggior tranquillità -per quanto possibile nei primi tempi. Ma ora cambiamo argomento e torniamo sui pony! Oppure sui furetti ed i lamponi!)