Indie Dev

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Oh hoy!

Hey peeps.
Just bought MV and wanted to get in the forums straight away to see what awesome things you have created and what i can contribute to this community.

My name is Victor I'm Swedish and you can call em Hajja.
Loved the RPG genre since i played FF7 and Baldur's Gate. I have some old sprites that i will upload when I got in too this and some new is coming soon.

If anyone has some request of sprites they want or need, I'm your guy.

Hope to see more of this site.


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
Gesundheit, buddy. :D
Anyway, welcome here to the forums where there's no "envy" only "MV". I bet you're gonna have an awesome time here. As for the resources... I myself am a musician and you can be damn certain that I'll be uploading soundtracks like nuts in the future. :)


Staff member
Resource Team
Hello and welcome to the forums! I look forward to seeing you around, and hope to see some great work from you in the future :D