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Official Skype Group


Staff member
A few of our members were hoping for a way to chat with each other more efficiently, so I am creating an official RMMV Forum Skype Group.

There are two ways in which you can join the group.

The first is by clicking the following link, which should take you to the group: skype:?chat&blob=8lGi-PyKR7_22jzTzTK2U2noqZEYYwpE40HjZbVQqZFAAA2H7UJUthWlb_3pTC-RWvG67zzJxpNETAqD

The second way is by adding me on Skype, and asking me to put you into the group. My Skype username is "mr.sagecurtis".


Skype drives me nuts with all it's updates. I wish they didn't force so many things. I used to use it all the time till they did that.


Staff member
You guys have been added.
Remember to mention the forum in the little friend request box.


Please come join us! It's a great way to make more friends and get to be more of a part of the community.


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
From my experience joining the Skype group was everything but.

Though that was mostly my fault.
Bad Biz! ;D

Eh, it's settled down by a lot since then. It's been great for helping me brainstorm resources ideas, as well as getting to know some of you guys better. It's pretty much your standard: "Yeah, there are 20 of us in here, but on a good day you might find half of us." kind of chat.

Bizarre Monkey

Bad Biz! ;D

Eh, it's settled down by a lot since then. It's been great for helping me brainstorm resources ideas, as well as getting to know some of you guys better. It's pretty much your standard: "Yeah, there are 20 of us in here, but on a good day you might find half of us." kind of chat.
The amount of sensitive sallies I have to deal with is too darned much. That's the main reason I left. People get too easily offended when I'm just trying to debate, and me taking critical feedback astutely is assumed to be badly.
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Okay, I'm going to jump back in. No one in this community wants to be babysat or feel that someone thinks they are babysitting them, especially by someone who finds it difficult to keep from patronizing people or calling them 'dums.' You wouldn't like it if people tried to do that to you. In fact, I am pretty sure you would reject it--And rightfully so. It's inappropriate behavior. Like Amy said, it's a great place to get to know people, exchange ideas and help each other out. It's not a place for a drawn out debate or argument--If you feel that one is necessary, it is easy to just side-message someone so that you and they can have the type of discussion that you want to have. But among the greater group of people? It's just not the place. I know I have not been on staff long, but I certainly wouldn't have been at all without the support of the chat. Being able to join it early on and get to know people on staff and other members gave me a good experience and made me want to become more involved.

It makes me upset to think that new people would walk in on arguments or criticism that, while constructive, isn't really the best to be shared publicly in front of a group of people. People don't have to take critical feedback in front of everyone if they haven't asked for it. I have run numerous critique groups and writers' conferences. All of the more in-depth critiques were done one-on-one because some people are not prepared to be given the level of criticism that you feel you can experience in public.

I was not there when the conversation/argument took place. Age and skill might not go hand in hand (because I do agree with you in that phrase--I believe that skill depends on experience, knowledge, and talent in applicable cases), but if you cannot treat people respectfully despite disagreements then you are the problem.


I really don't know everything that went on but the thread had me wanting to say something, so sorry to intrude.

I've had more than enough of debates about ways to give/deal with criticism. In the end it depends on the person. Some people will love it and embrace it, some people will get mad and deny it, some people will listen but not really care what was said, etc.

I also agree that age/exp is NOT (always) equal to skill. Everyone is good at their own thing in their own way! Condescending someone for being "too young" or "inexperienced" is bad behavior I'd say.

Anyways, I hope everything works out okay, I may shyly peek inside of the chat room one day. ^_^
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Isaac The Red

Towns Guard
Can we all just chillax a moment and take the time to appreciate the fact that David Bowie was one of the greatest glam rock artists out there and the world is now an absolutely worse place without him?

Also, Genbairu is my Skype. I don't use it much because no one I know really talks to me through it for whatever reason. But hey, add me! Just put something in the massage to show that your from rmmv forums so I don't deny\block on impulse of not expecting a Skype invite. O.o


Dragon Goddess
A question about the skype group: is there a way to leave and rejoin as needed? sometimes I'm busy and don't want to see the constant message notifications of the group lol.