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Plugin NPC Relationship System


Towns Guard
Currently developing a Relationship Script for NPC's loosely based on V's Relationship Bio Window

This script will break your game in it's current condition I'm just sharing it here because It's being worked on, and maybe see if I can get some help developing it if not that's cool I don't mind working alone on this endeavor

What it will do when it's done is allow you to setup a relationships with NPC events and keep track of them via a bio window of sorts.


GitHub - Relationships.js

GitHub - Relationships.json data file (Save in your game's data folder.)


Added the code for the game.


Fixed it so it no longer gives off the Unexpected String Error.

Coming Soon(tm)

Everything, nothing works right yet.

Everything, nothing works right yet.

What can I do So far you can open up an empty window, there's no close button for it yet either.

Thanks to V for their Bio window for Ace and thanks to Gameus because his Quest system is the base for this code.


Dragon Goddess
just posting here to show my support! I for one LOVE this sort of thing in games! I wish I could help, but I'm really inexperienced when it comes to this stuff, sorry. :(

still, I am TOTALLY on board with this one! hope you finish it man, great idea!
Love the idea of relationships in games. It adds an element of "realism" to it. I've been trying to work something into my VXA game Otherworld, based on the Karma system it uses and I'm quickly realising just how involved it is. Good luck with this venture, look forward to seeing the finished product. (smile)


Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca
Can't wait to see this finished, i like adding friendship options into my games :P I look forward to seeing this complete :)

Ravani Lestari

Towns Guard
So what kind of benefits are available for building relationships with NPCs? I have a few ideas in my head that might convince the player to spend some time with this mechanic. One of those could be extra quests that spawn difficult monsters that drop rare weapons or items, some of which are unobtainable elsewhere. Perhaps you can build a relationship with a blacksmith and they can help make replica weapons of the strongest weapons in the game. Perhaps not quite as powerful as the originals but pretty close.

EDIT: One thing that I would like to see is the ability to build a relationship with shopkeepers via quests, and after certain quests, the shopkeeper would sell a select amount of bonus items. For example, doing a quest for a shopkeeper to collect a rare ore. After finishing the quest, new items are available for purchase. Items that associate with this rare ore you mined.


Towns Guard
Update: I'm still working on this, I'm not that great with Javascript, so I've scrapped and rewritten my code like 4 times already, and I'm thinking im aproaching this the wrong way, as for what you can do with it, It's limitless once it's done :) Once I get it working Ill add features as requested as well, but right now I need to get it working lol


I'm no script writer (though I would like to learn some day), but this idea would be excellent. I was thinking about using a system like this to help drive the focus of different characters in the game that I am currently developing. Would tie greatly into my idea of making every little event and interaction change the course of the game. Keep up the good work on developing it and I hope you get all the necessary help to finish what you've started! :D