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Not sure if this is the right forum, but...(Resource question)

Aisling Starr

Princess Of Garando
Tried googling and looking for it on the website, but couldn't find it.

How does one download and use resources?

Also, let's say if I was going to use someone else's resources and I was planning on selling my game, would I need to pay them a certain percentage of what I earn, or does it depend on the person? I know I'd need to credit them.


Hello. Regarding this server, it is a fan-made server. It's not the official rpg maker mv forum. It's a great forum, though. That would be

I'm not too familiar with marketing and business regarding game production. However, I would GUESS? That you would have to communicate with the author and see if they have any type of "copyright" thing on their artwork?

As far as how would you download it? Some people host their work on clouds for you to download. Otherwise you can use the steam store to search for DLC or workshop items people have created.

Using resources would be a matter of importing the files into your project document. It depends. Plugins are quite simple, while pngs or gifs or whatever would be a little more sensitive in nature.


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
Also, let's say if I was going to use someone else's resources and I was planning on selling my game, would I need to pay them a certain percentage of what I earn, or does it depend on the person? I know I'd need to credit them.
I'm not too familiar with marketing and business regarding game production. However, I would GUESS? That you would have to communicate with the author and see if they have any type of "copyright" thing on their artwork?
Since Wize wasn't too sure about this point, allow me to explain.
As far as actual copyright goes, every resource out there, be it artwork or music, has it. That means that all rights to use, distribute and so on lie with the creators of the resouces in question. However, resources are always made available under certain licences. There's a bunch of those and I'm not versed enough to explain them all in detail. A lot of resource creators will have their own terms and conditions though in which they explain how exactly and for what you may use their resources. I, for example, have made my music packs free to use for non-commercial (i.e. no money made whatsoever) purposes. As for commercial use, I suggest you contact the creators in question and ask them about it. Better be safe than sorry. You don't want your game taken down because of a copyright violation. ^-^

Now, that was longer than I thought. Anyway, I hope I could help clarify. :)


Staff member
Resource Team
Tried googling and looking for it on the website, but couldn't find it.

How does one download and use resources?

Also, let's say if I was going to use someone else's resources and I was planning on selling my game, would I need to pay them a certain percentage of what I earn, or does it depend on the person? I know I'd need to credit them.

To piggyback on what everyone else said. you can also download resources here: each resource on our resource section states what they allow, and do not allow. Some allow commercial use, others allow it after being paid/donated too, etc. You can also sell your game on our resource section, we take 10% per sale via selling through our website.