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No levels, no gear grinds, chess like battle system

How about a story driven RPG game with no level ups and gear drops? I know these give the sense of rewarding experience as you progress through the game and that they have become the most essential part of RPGs. This could be a disaster if you don't get it right. Some of the most surprisingly fun game experiences I had was with very simple strategy games like Highgrounds where there was no levels or gears involved. I think this could work well with RPG games that narrate the overall story to keep the game immersive while slipping in these fun battles in between the stories. I was thinking maybe this could be achieved by using traditional turn based battle systems such as the one developed by Lecode Tactical Battle System. We are all familiar with these kind of game play as it all originated from board games like Chess. Here is my take on how I want to build the initial prototype. Let's see if you guys feel it's worth building and would like to try it out.

- No healing, no reviving
- 4 player pieces (4 main characters of my story)
- weapon types: sword/shield, 2-hand, dual wield, bow
- class based: warrior, rogue, ranger, engineer
- your character stats such as str, agi, stam, all differ based on your class but they are fixed
- here are the stats

max hp: 100
max stamina: 100
defense: 7
damage: 12 - 18
agility: 50 (smaller the better)
luck: 30% (trigger block only when sword/shield is equipped)
weapons: sword/shield, 2-hand

max hp: 100
max stamina: 100
defense: 3
damage: 7 - 13
agility: 34
luck: 15%
weapons: dagger

max hp: 100
max stamina: 100
defense: 5
damage: 10 - 30
agility: 60
luck: 7%
weapon: bow

max hp: 100
max stamina: 100
defense: 6
damage: 8 - 12
agility: 43
luck: 1%
weapon: all weapons

Damage Calculation
- Everybody has equal hp and stamina (enemy units share the exact same stats and classes)
- defense is used to straight up reduce the incoming damage. (ex. enemy warrior does 16 damage to our warrior, our warrior receives 16 - 7 = 9 damage)
- agility is used to rotate turns. smaller agility will have more turns than the larger proportionately
- luck is used to mitigate incoming damage. other than the warrior all other classes straight up dodge the incoming damage 100% if it procs. if warrior is equipping the sword and shield it will block and reduce the damage by 20%.
- The numbers should be tweaked so that all classes ideally die after about 10 attacks towards them roughly.
- only rogues in the game are able to do critical hits when attacking enemies from the side and back

Resource Management
- in each turn you are free to move as much as you want and attack as many times as you want. but moving will cost certain amount of stamina per tile and attack will also consume stamina.
- once the stamina is depleted you are only allowed to move once. you are able to move as many tiles as you want still but consume twice as much stamina per tile. your stamina can go negative indefinitely.
- once you desperately flee from the battle with negative stamina you are forced to take rest.
- at the start of each turn character always gains certain amount of stamina by default. this will allow you to always make a small move and a single attack. if you choose to just take rest at the beginning of your turn only, you gain even more stamina back next turn.
- for default stamina gain per turn, rogues generate slightly more than other classes.

You are only allowed to take 1 weapon skill and 1 class skill per character to each battle and this has to be determined prior to the battle start. As you progress through the game, you will be able to collect many weapon skills and class skills. (this will be the monster drops in the game) certain skills will be only available by killing monsters in hidden places.
* there is no taunt. absolutely hate that skill which makes no sense.

Overall Class Designs
Of course a prototype has to be built and tested to tweak the numbers but here are the general design overviews of the classes.
- warrior: utility or dps
sword/shield (utility, get in enemy's faces and do skills like "rend" to drain their stamina), 2-hand (dps)
- rogue: dps
supposed to move a lot and attack from sides and back
- ranger: dps
sharpshooter, slowest turn rotations but has the potential to do the most 1-shot burst damage
- engineer: utility or dps
can set up different types of turrets to be utility or dps

- just like the game of chess, once you make a move there is no un-do, you can forfeit the round anytime and re-try the same battle

Prime Games

That's actually a good idea that I think the RPG Community could use a bit more of. I like the system, and like you said, this could really work for a story based game. I like it.