Indie Dev

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Nice to meet you all... I think


Wait, why did I post the title to be that? Is it possible I regret meeting you all?




*pfft* I'm just messing with you guys. It's really good to be a true member of this forum. I'd been around for somewhere around a year or so (I think? Maybe) on the RPGMakerMV site. It wasn't a case of me being active back then, however... still, I aim to be more active here.

Let's be friends. :)


Staff member
Resource Team
Hello and welcome to the community :D I'm glad to have you here and I look forward to seeing you around! And you probably do, but it never hurts to re-introduce yourself :D


I think it is possible to regret meeting us all but very unlikely, especially because I'm here, I'm awesome to meet, you're so lucky! :D

Welcome to the site, if you have any questions just ask, people are very nice and friendly on here. :)

Have you started a game yet?


Well, to be fair, I've started a lot of them... still need to decide what to fully work on.
The best tip I can give you regarding this is to make a game that you would want to play.
It might sound obvious but if you make a game for other people that you don't actually want to play, then odds on, they won't want to play it either.

Don't put things in it you don't like even if they are popular with other people.
(For example I don't like crafting, so I don't have it in my game even though I know many people love to craft)
I love to level up my characters and and customize them, so I'm going to put more of my time into that.

First and foremost make a game that is fun for you, make it your game. :)

Good luck !!!
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