Indie Dev

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New to the site and RPG Maker!

Neil London

Hello all! I am new to the site, obviously, and also new to RPG Maker MV. I spent some time on my "About Me" section and it really introduces me well so I'm just going to paste it here if that is okay with everyone! Since I'm very knew I'm here to learn what I can from everyone! Thanks!

Section from my About Me:

"By day, mainly evenings, I work as a barista moving through the ranks at Starbucks and I act a few times a month in a dinner theater company.

When it comes to RPG Maker I've dabbled a with a few previous versions, but MV is the first time I've truly invested on the program so I intend to use it. Like most people I have the dream of making a game to be published on a platform such as Steam and Mobile devices, but I also know that being incredibly inexperienced as I am means it's not going to happen overnight. With the amount of plugins that are out there it's possible to create with MV and from what I've seen and played around with I'm throughly impressed with MV.

I unfortunately don't know any coding, once a long time ago I knew very little html, but I'll learn what ever I need to in order to utilized this program.

I have a lot of project management training, having ran a video production company in the past, and can organize, prioritize, and keep projects on track. I've acted as producer for film projects, directed award winning shorts, and created crowd funding campaigns that have gotten the attention of some names down in L.A. When it comes to creating multimedia i can confidently say I know my stuff and if I don't know something I'll let you know and proceed to learn it. I give my 100% best at whatever I do and hold myself to a high standard. (Albeit, I've been told that I am a bit harsh on myself). I only want to know that when I am done I've done everything I possibly could and expect only the best from myself.
Thanks and hopefully we can collaborate soon!"
