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New Mouth Gen Parts 4/5 2016-08-05

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Praised Adventurer
Sinnistar submitted a new resource:

New Mouth Gen Parts 4/5 - Here's the 4th iteration of mouth parts for the generator. Works with both male/female too!

Alrighty guys! I'm extremely satisfied with how I've made these ones and I think they're my best ones yet! These are created specifically for a new character in my TOTL project, but they should work with both male and female characters to create some fun emotions. They should also work with all skin tones too (took awhile to set them up for that but I've tested them and they looked fine to me).

These are 100% drawn out by me so you'll only need to credit Sinnistar if you want to. I don't...
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You too xD I got some big plans for mine heh making them work is gonna be a challenge (it already has been a big one so far heh)
(joyful) Go make it big! and thanks, ;) once I buy rpg maker I will be sure to make one as big as yours, maybe even twice as big(cool)(cool)(cool)

just kidding I suck at RPG Maker .-.


Praised Adventurer
(joyful) Go make it big! and thanks, ;) once I buy rpg maker I will be sure to make one as big as yours, maybe even twice as big(cool)(cool)(cool)

just kidding I suck at RPG Maker .-.
lol well not sure mine can be considered "big" but it will contain 34 chapters of a very unique and intertwined story of two very different worlds xD

I think the story itself will prolly be short in comparison to all the side content it will have though. So far it is shorter than the side content, and it will prolly continue that way too but meh it should prove to be a very fun game when finished. That's the goal anyway, and I have a small team behind it so it isn't just gonna be my opinion on it either which only helps it further. But one thing's for certain, Suikoden, Fire Emblem, Final Fantasy, The Last Remnant, and Infinite Undiscovery are HUGE influences on this project heheh. So with those amazing games/series, I think it's safe to say if things go according to my detailed plans and everything works the way it should, it should definitely be worth playing.

(Oh....and there's over 75 characters to party up with all having their own unique playstyle to them. Some more important than others, but the minor ones even have special things they can do that others can't xP everything is useful in some way!)


It doesn't sounds big... It sounds HUGE! and a small team (shocked) that is awesome! when I am getting good at rpg maker I want to help(dead)


Praised Adventurer
It doesn't sounds big... It sounds HUGE! and a small team (shocked) that is awesome! when I am getting good at rpg maker I want to help(dead)
heh it's a lot smaller in the actual gameplay...the designing process takes so long x.x and testing even longer lol. Currently we have 3 chapters with roughly 2.5 hours of solid content (give or take a few mins, but it took me that long to play through it with knowing where everything is lol). Having a team helps lighten the load of that process since you're not doing everything alone. (And who says you have to be good at RM to be useful in a team lol. You could be the storyboard artist, pixel artist, musician, etc.) The engine is but one small part of the process heh. In my case, I can do everything except scripting/plugins....I still don't have that down yet.

My next big part once I finish the 7 chapter demo for the game will be to make a trailer showing off some of the best parts of the gameplay (and a Character trailer/showcase for each of the main characters (should be around 14 in total including the antagonists). ) For that though, I'ma have to brush up on animation media lol since I've forgotten a lot of it. I went to college for 3 years for Media Arts and Animation (most of it was repetition but meh) and learned quite a bit from that, but I've not had much practice with the programs since though. (One of our team members has animations as his primary focus right now, for personal reasons but yeah he may be helpful when it comes to that, but we'll see lol)


Don't make me cry sinnistar (tears) your game really motivates me, and you call 2.5 hours short?!?!?! that is long enough to be profitable :o.
And it is very huge, I wish i can contribute though, I don't need any credits (blush), I am up to any challenge (ignored) however I am fairly new to pixel art, I am more of a designer and writer.

before you release your game I will show you a video on how to market your game

I hope that you find benefits from the video ^.^ and if you need help, I will be there for you... ( (slanty) and I don't think you will ever need my help)


Praised Adventurer
My project has actually inspired many artists honestly and it inspires me in return lol! xD you're like the 6th one to hear that from heh. But yeah 2.5 hours is really short for a project we've been working on for 8 months (even though 4 was basically getting the ideas and stuff solidified). Granted, the team is small and that's why it hasn't made incredible progress just yet, but as we finish more and more of the features and things that will be in it, all that will be left is just story and side content which will go a lot quicker.

If you want to contribute to TOTL, you can just contact me on Skype and I can see what you'd fit with. Currently the only major thing we've been working on (other than me working on everything else lol) is character development and side quests. It's been this way since I've been told the 3 chapter demo had a massive lack of content and felt empty by over 20 people lol so I'm adding in a bunch of content. If you're another writer we could create even more varied quests to fill that emptiness. But yeah, contact me on Skype and we can see if you can help with the project if that's what you want to do lol.

Sinnistar24 is my username there. My team uses Skype to communicate and Google Keep to keep track of progress and notes on the various parts of the project. (People often think this game's name is Tales of the Illuminati lol fun fact xD)


My project has actually inspired many artists honestly and it inspires me in return lol! xD you're like the 6th one to hear that from heh. But yeah 2.5 hours is really short for a project we've been working on for 8 months (even though 4 was basically getting the ideas and stuff solidified). Granted, the team is small and that's why it hasn't made incredible progress just yet, but as we finish more and more of the features and things that will be in it, all that will be left is just story and side content which will go a lot quicker.

If you want to contribute to TOTL, you can just contact me on Skype and I can see what you'd fit with. Currently the only major thing we've been working on (other than me working on everything else lol) is character development and side quests. It's been this way since I've been told the 3 chapter demo had a massive lack of content and felt empty by over 20 people lol so I'm adding in a bunch of content. If you're another writer we could create even more varied quests to fill that emptiness. But yeah, contact me on Skype and we can see if you can help with the project if that's what you want to do lol.

Sinnistar24 is my username there. My team uses Skype to communicate and Google Keep to keep track of progress and notes on the various parts of the project. (People often think this game's name is Tales of the Illuminati lol fun fact xD)
Alright I will contact you later today and apply, however I can only contribute in drawing and pixelating, I will get my copy of RPG Maker this winter, as well as aseprite :)


Praised Adventurer
Alright I will contact you later today and apply, however I can only contribute in drawing and pixelating, I will get my copy of RPG Maker this winter, as well as aseprite :)
lol no problem! Perhaps you can help me design the outfits for the sprites that will have a custom one. I can always use ideas on those.


lol no problem! Perhaps you can help me design the outfits for the sprites that will have a custom one. I can always use ideas on those.
Alright I will do it as best of my capabilities(dead) However I will just post it later today, I have a speech today (unsee) Double Nervous.


I use Photoshop but yeah that one is a pretty great tool for it too xP
I recently tried it and it is great, you can resize your pixels without changing its shape or pixel, you can auto smooth your pixel, animate, select pixels by layer, change a color on a canvas to another color, write pixelated text that looks clearer than in non-pixel art software. I love it so far, the only downside is I am bad at it (unsee)