Indie Dev

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Hey there, all of you rpg maker pros! I have a lot of projects in mind, but can't do it at all without you guys' help, so if you could help, it'd be wonderful ;) I'm a young member, and a bit of a newbie at rpg maker mv, so yeah, don't expect much for now XD If you want someone to test your game, I could do it for you, although I won't be available on week days 'cause I've got school and a bunch of Homework on my to-do list, sry!
That said, does anybody know how to get non manga-style character faces? Personally, I love mangas, but it wouldn't be the best thing for an English school project.
Well, hope you all have a wonderful day and a amazing burst of ideas in those brilliant minds of yours!
See ya!


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
I love how you have the gamer capitalized. It makes you sound like someone who is hardcore about it.

I do so welcome you the forums and hope you enjoy your stay here! Unfortunately I don't know anything about getting non manga-style character faces, but I suppose searching google would work?

I wish you the best of luck!


Resident Dragon
Welcome to the sheer insanity we like to call the forums! Feel free to ask any questions for we are all here to help. :)

As for help with the non-manga faces, you could always make a post in the Resource Request forum, which would likely get you the quickest and most helpful answer :)


I love how you have the gamer capitalized. It makes you sound like someone who is hardcore about it.

I do so welcome you the forums and hope you enjoy your stay here! Unfortunately I don't know anything about getting non manga-style character faces, but I suppose searching google would work?

I wish you the best of luck!
Thanks! I'll try doing just that then. xD Appreciate it!
Welcome to the sheer insanity we like to call the forums! Feel free to ask any questions for we are all here to help. :)

As for help with the non-manga faces, you could always make a post in the Resource Request forum, which would likely get you the quickest and most helpful answer :)
The resource request? Do you think I could get an answer today? x) Anyways, I'll just make a custom hairstyle or get a good one from the resources then :P Thanks!


Staff member
Hi @DaedraKyne , and welcome to the community. One awesome thing about RPG Maker MV is that everything you need to make a decent game is already available. We have a lot of resource makers, and sometimes resources take time to make. We have over 800 resources already available. Are you needing non-Manga facesets, characters, and actors?


Towns Guard
Hello and welcome to the Forums.

I only know of the medieval DLCs using non manga characters. But which are bigger than the normal RPG Mker characters and they have more Frames. So in order to use them your must also use the Plug-in fore more Characterframes. may be the Spritefix Plug-in as well.


Global Moderator
Welcome to the forum! You can probably find artists that can help you with the characters, but I don't see what's wrong with manga characters for a project for school even if it's English-speaking. I mean, I did a manga-ish project once for school as well. I'm from New Jersey.


Thanks everybody! I decided to stick to the manga style, as suggested by @Juneberry. I'm now currently in search of police parts for the generator, but I seem unable to find any. Oh, and the project is for tomorrow, so, yeah, if you could fine something, that'd be awesome!


Thanks everybody! I decided to stick to the manga style, as suggested by @Juneberry. I'm now currently in search of police parts for the generator, but I seem unable to find any. Oh, and the project is for tomorrow, so, yeah, if you could fine something, that'd be awesome!
Did you look in the BaseResource directory there is one npc in there that looks like one and 2 in sf_people3


@Jodis , thanks so much! What you did was really nice, and fits perfectly with the theme. With that, the request for the policeman is closed, and the class was outstanded by the project you guys helped me make! 20/20 isn't really nothing, actually :P Oh, by the waym, I aready started creating a non-school long-time project, does one of you know how to show it on my profile? (that bar that gives the percentage of completion)


(glad) I don't know about the bar. Ask a staff member is the only answer i can give. I have plans on doing more npc's latter. But i have my hands are full atm with the swamp.

Lol I am swamped with the swamp. rofl
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