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New Emoticons!


Staff member
We have two brand new sets of custom smileys and emoticons made by yours truly.

One set is Red, and the other is Gray. Each set contains 46 smileys, and there are 7 extra non-smiley emoticons, which makes a total of 99 emoticons.

They are currently being set up, so they aren't all up yet. They'll be put up one at a time over the next day or two.

I put a lot of work into them, so I hope you like them.

Here is a list of what text emoticons will have images:
amazed :O
aww :c
blush o///o
bow <)
broken heart </3
cat :3
cheeks :I
Cheeky :D
Confused :S
Cool B)
Cry D':
Cute ^u^
Dead Px
Devilish >:D
Facepalm ?????????????
ferocious >:3
Girly ?????????
glad ^_^
glee x3
heart <3
hurt xc
ignored xI
joking xP
Jolly :}
Joyful :>
Kiss :*
Love *u*
Ouch ;(
Perplexed xS
Pizza ????????
Pumpkin ???????????
Puppy eyes c:
Right ;D
Sad :(
Shocked D:
Shout D:<
Silent :X
Slanty :/
Sleep ??????????
Smile :)
Snicker xD
Supercool BD
Tears :'(
Thumbsup ???????
Thumbsdown ????????
Tongue :P
Trying ??????
Unsee xnx
Uuh P:
wicked C:<
Wide :|
Wink ;)
And here is a preview of what is to come:

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Staff member
Why my double triangle accents make a blush despite not putting a period between them? :(
That's the way that @Xyphien put it in at the moment.
I just sent him a big list of what each emoticon should be, so it'll probably change by the time they're all added in.

Edited the first post to include the list.

Rise Evil

Praised Adventurer
It's okay ^^

But for the (^^"), I suggest to get a smiley with a face having happy eyes with a sweat of embarrassment ^^

EDIT: OH MY GOSH!!! I can't believe you have a Facepalm smiley for real *_*


Staff member
But for the (^^"), I suggest to get a smiley with a face having happy eyes with a sweat of embarrassment ^^
I'll probably open a suggestions thread in a few weeks, so that I can find out what new smileys you guys want me to make.