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Need mathematical help involving squaring.


Okay, so, I need help turning an idea/words into a mathematical equation you can punch into a calculator(or coding in MV in the future) to get the result.
See it's something from pen & paper days(made a lot of tabletop games in my past) and I have it worded down understandably, but now i need to convert those words into a working mathematical formula.
So here it is.

It's speed vs speed, if you have enough speed, you get more moves per turn. However it works to the 2nd power. Example: 2x more speed = 1 more move(2 moves), then 4x more speed = 2 more moves(3 moves), then 8x more speed = 3 more moves(4 moves), then 16x more speed = 4 more moves(5 moves), etc etc etc.

How would I turn that into a mathematical forumla, something that any ol smuck could punch into a calculator or something and get the resulting moves they could do? Please help me. :o​


moves = √speed

Although that doesn't cover the +1 behaviour for speed > 1, it doesn't look like you'll have a clean formula.
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In computer terms what does one need to fill the requirements for "speed"? if you talking about the stats then shouldn't it be easy to win every battle with speed stats alone. that way the enemy won't be able to hit. What if the enemies are faster than the player? This is very tricky.

edit: wait you mean a tactical Role-playing game that moves characters like in fire emblem?


Staff member
Are you looking for a formula just for mono vs. mono battles?

What are the speed ranges?

SP1 is speed of faster battle entity
SP2 is speed of slower battle entity

If SP1/SP2 = 2 then 2 moves v. 1 move
If SP1/SP2 = 4 then 3 moves v. 1 move
If SP1/SP2 = 8 then 4 moves v. 1 move
If SP1/SP2 = 16 then 5 moves v. 1 move

Moves = √(SP1/SP2) +1, if SP1 ≠ SP2.

Are the speeds going to be multiples of 2, and if not when SP1/SP2 ≠ 2,4,8, or 16 then you would round down to the nearest 2 to the n-th power, when figuring the √?


oh wow, woke up to more responses than i thought lol
okay so let me see if i can wrap my head around these.
First off, the moves, is basically how many things you can do in 1 turn. Moves include things that would normally take up your turn, such as using a talent or skill or a normal attack or guarding.
As for speed stat, the way i have the game grow, everyones speed is typically within the same range, but a char can grow up to twice as more in 1 stat(such as speed) than another, but even then, that's only 2 moves against things that have not altered their speed growth at all. And of course, in order to achieve that, double speed growth, they have to sacrifice growth in other things, as much growth as it took to achieve double speed. Such as normal growth is +10 per level. you need +20 speed growth to be able to achieve 2 moves on normal speed entities, but, you will need to lose a total of 10 growth from any of your other stats in to keep the balance., So you may be a speed demon but you will be greatly lacking in other aspects, such as strength, defense, accuracy, etc. So even if a person has multiple moves on their enemy, doesn't mean they can pull the win with ease. Also this is why i want this particular formula to be squared/powered type of thing, otherwise it would get overpower if you could get 3 moves for 3x speed, 4 moves for 4x, no, so I want you to have to get twice as much speed as last time in order to squeaze out that other extra move.

Now, that formula, how do you make that symbol when typing? Is it an Alt code?
To answer your question, the speeds will not always be multiple 2. As stated above, they generally grow at a rate of 10 per level but characters can be diversed so a player could have a char with anywhere from +0 to +30 (+30 is the limit a player can get but almost never achieved) beyond this base though, players can of course alter speed values through temp buffs and nerfs, such as the spells Haste and Slow. And yes, this is meant for typically mono a mono, 1 on 1

Oh, and yes, players/characters can move around the field and use teh field to their advantage if possible. A player can typically move spaces(distanced based on a fraction of their speed) and then use a move(skill, talent, spell, special, normal attack, guard, etc)

Sorry if i missed anything, i hope i have answered all your questions accordingly and was clear in my questions :o​
done some testing, and that formula MinisterJay gave doesnt quite work perfectly it seems. It is the square root of teh answer of Sp1/Sp2, but the answer isnt exactly perfect, it's close enough for ranges 2x more to 16x more, but higher than that it gets way way off.
Is that the only formula that can even come close to achieving what im wanting? Cause I don't mind if it's somewhat of a lengthy one.

Before you ask, yes, higher numbers, such as 32x more speed than them, or you, is possible, even 64x. I do have it to where players can run into creatures much stronger than them, several times their level, and I have had players somehow pull wins from the gripes of death and miracles. It helps that I have it so stats aren't everything. Strategy and skill play a major role in pulling the win as well. Good gear with the right effects on it certainly helps too lol​