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Need help with my battlesystem

I am working on a very basic battle system, enemies in form of events are on the screen, and when you or them walk into each other, a common event is called where it displays attack animations for the enemy and the player, now my question is: How do I call the player and monster stats into the action so they can damage each other?


Praised Adventurer
Resource Team
how experienced are you with javascript? these are variables that can be called, but you'll need to use the script command to make use of them in RMMV eventing. there may be plugins out there that simplify this but i'm not sure. hopefully someone else has details on something like that.
Eventing it is a good idea, I'm not experienced a all with javascript, but I can always learn. Do you have any good links for a beginner to learn from?
If I do eventing, I think I can call the enemy stats with these:






My guess, would be that $dataplayer[1].params[1] would be for the player?
I figured it out, I could get player stats through controlled variables directly, heh.

Now, how would I do the attacking calculations like: Enemy attack - player defence = damage