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Completed Need help looking for a Plugin


Staff member
Here is a viable option that replaces the facesets with static battlers, but it requires a little extra time.

First, make a copy of desired static battlers, and copy them into facesets, making sure they each fit the 144X144 specs AND are put into a 576 wide X 288 high sheet. This is the standard size for a faceset sheet.

Secondly, create two image changing common events. Within the first image changing common event, change the actors' images to desired static battler image.
Within the second image changing common event, change the actor's images to original facesets.

Thirdly, at each battle, within the same event: on first line call first image changing common event; on second line do Battle Processing; and on next line call second image changing common event.

This process should not interfere with any engines or battle systems.
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Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca
Can you give me an example, what you are saying is confusing me. Like can you show images of what to do please :)


Staff member
I will make examples of the steps tomorrow. If there is a specific step you understand, just let me know, and I will skip that step.
[doublepost=1453051278,1453009714][/doublepost]Part One: In this example I am using the actors from the first faceset that comes with the MV RTP. In facesets, there are spots for 8 faces. They are each numbered 1 through 8. The reason this is mentioned is so they will match the battlers.

We will be working with actors faces 1_5, 1_6, and 1_7, which are the first three on the bottom row of image Actor1.png


In this example, I will not be using any of the first five actors, so I will put the sheet in a 144X144 grid, and delete the first five. Note that I am deleting the currently used project's image, not the original in the MV New Data folder.


Now we find the three battler that match the three faces in the enemies folders in images. I have extra battlers in this folder, so please ignore them. The three selected are highlighted. Copy them, and paste them into your faces folder.



The Battler images are too big to be put into the Faces sheet, so we will make sure that their max height in 144 pixels. I will demonstrate this on Actor1_5.


I will be modifying this one in GIMP. Almost any image editor will work. The archer is currently 234 wide by 307 high. In the transform tool, I will scale the image. Make sure the keep ratio/proportion chain is LOCKED. We will scale the archer to a height of 144 pixels. If the original image has a larger width than height, change it to 144 pixels. Whichever attribute is a larger value, that is the one to modify to 144. Again make sure the ratio/proportion chain is LOCKED. Before exporting, or replacing image, make sure canvas size is same as image size.


Now export the scaled image to the faces folder, replacing the 'taller' one. DO not close any of the images that you have modified.

The next screenshot shows the three altered battlers with the faces set sheet.


On each battler, I will select all, copy it, paste it and move/center it to the 144X144 grid spot right above the actor it corresponds with.


[doublepost=1453054392][/doublepost]Now we are going to be working with the database. We are going to be using Actor spots 13, 14, and 15 for this example. For the faces of the actors, when clicking on the Face set sheet, we just modify, we see the three actors' faces and their battlers.


We are going to select their normal faces for now.


Now we are going to go to the Common Events Tab. The first one, I named Battler For Faces


Double click on the first spot in the Contents section and go to tab 3.


Select Change Actor Image.


Change it to matching Battler.


Press OK.


Do same to other Actors.


This is the end of the first Common Event. Now we are going to create a second Common Event. This one I named Normal Faces. Using the procedures above, I will put the actors normal faces back in.


[doublepost=1453056541][/doublepost]Create Battle Event, wherever you desire. This is done by having it in eventing mode, and right clicking on a spot.


Select New. Double click on first line in Contents.


Select Common Event. If you click on the Common Event shown, it will give you scroll down menu. Choose the one you named for having the battler option. In this example it was Battler for Faces; select it.


On the next line, in Contents, double click, go to third tab, and select Battle Processing.


I chose the default Bat*2 Enemy Troops.


On the third line, we are going to change the images back to the normal faces. Do the sames steps as changing the faces to battlers, but just put the default or custom faces.


Everything after line three, in just standard procedures, that I put after single event battles.

If you have any more questions, please ask.
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