Indie Dev

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Need an sprite artist, animator, and possible musician

Sorry, I should have posted this here instead of in Resource Requests. So, here it is.

OK folks, here's what I am looking for. I am working on a personal project of mine, one I have been working on since the days of RM2K. I'm creating a sort of "sequel" to the original Final Fantasy from the NES. Things are coming along great now that RMMV is out, I am loving the new plugin system. Here's my request. I am good at the programming and building side of things. I'm pretty good at modifying images and graphics for my use. I SUCK at creating original artwork. I could not draw a straight line freehand to save my life :) . What I need primarily is face, SV battler, and map sprites of the 6 Final Fantasy classes and their upgrades. For those who cant remember 1987, the six classes are Fighter (Warrior in the PSP re-release), Thief, Black Belt, Black Mage, White Mage, and Red Mage. Half way thru the game you get a Class Change from Bahamut to become Knight, Ninja, Master, Black Wizard, White Wizard, and Red Wizard.

It would also be advantageous to have animated SV battlers of the monsters. All 189 of them. Holy crap. Now you see why I am turning to the community. I will admit, several of the monsters are pallet shifts of other monsters which will bring the number down, but not by much. The battlers should conform to what Yanfly has laid out in his YEP_AnimatedSVBattlers plugin, this is what I am using for the battlers.

Now fully animated enemies would be awesome, but I have pretty good sprite rips from the PSP version of FF1, so I will use those for the time being. Mainly I need the character graphics for the 12 classes.

I would also like to find loopable arrangements of the various tunes from the original FF. I could just use rips from the PSP version of the game, but I would like an original remix if possible. I'm about as musically inclined as I am graphicly inclined, so there ya go. :)

I can't offer any incentive to help except my gratitude and credit when the game is finally released. There may very well be some talented people out there that have already done a lot of the work.

Here is a 7zip file containing reference images for what I am looking for. I was only able to find one image of the upgraded characters, its the file "ff1classes.gif" I want to extend my thanks in advance to anyone (or group of ones) who is willing to help me out and take on this challenge. I'm hoping that the community will enjoy my game as much as I have enjoyed creating it. Thanks!!!


Hey I actually make music, i'm not that bad, and I could probably recreate a FF song if given the time.
Just let me know.
Sure, if you want to give it a shot. How about an original arrangement for the Final Fantasy 1 Battle theme? If you need an example I can send you an Ogg file. Lets see what you got! :)
[doublepost=1467509946,1467509832][/doublepost]Oh, almost forgot. If you know how, the music needs to be looping. If you need a tutorial on creating looping OGG files, you can check it out here: Looping BGM Tutorial. I think it was written for RMVXAce, but it works in RMMV too. Thanks!!!