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My Game's Plotline & Characters?


Cyborg Kiwi
Gah. I can't think of any unique plotline for a new game I'm creating. It's called 'Point Blank' and is a modern shooter. I have a few characters: Billy Hill, The Hitman and Rose Erasmus, The Distraction (They're the main characters). Can someone help me with the plot and maybe even some characters?


You could add another main character to make it a trio, like a contact or a person who gives then info on
people to hit.

also for a unique plotline you could have each hit be a person they want to kill for revenge for past misdeeds or have them be good guys who only go after criminals.


Cyborg Kiwi
What is the backstory and personality of Billy Hill, The Hitman and Rose Erasmus, The Distraction?
Ah, I thought so. So, Billy Hill was once a kid who got bullied at school for being a 'Goody Two Shoes' and 'The Teacher's Pet', as every teacher adored him (*cough* cliche *cough*). He was also a person who liked odd things. Nothing to specify, but just odd things. On his birthday, his grandfather gave him a Swiss Knife. His grandfather said: "Use it whenever you feel it's needed, Billy," so that is when everything all started.*But something happened one day, that changed Billy forever. He was walking home from school and passed a 4 year old boy, and slit his throat and he died instantly. It felt good. Murder. He felt so good. Murder was a treat for Billy over the years. Oh, just hearing their begging and pleading not to die. 'Help,' and 'Please don't kill me,'. He was then contacted by a strange person. The strange person asked him 'Would you like to kill. Kill for money?'. At the word, money, Billy felt excited. Oh, it would be wonderful to do what he loved for money. 'Yes,' Billy replied, 'I would love to.'. From that day forth, Billy became The Hitman.

Rose's backstory, I haven't thought of yet. Tell me what you think of Billy's though?

Edit: *One day, something terrible happened. When he was getting bullied, he got sick of it. Then, something horrible clicked in him. He snapped. He must quench it's urge to be done. He had to do it, but not where he was present. So later that day, when Billy was walking home from school, He saw a kid walk past him, of whom smiled at Billy politely, and Billy felt that now was the right time to quench his thirst. He took his grandfather's Swiss Knife out of his pocket, went for the kids poor old throat and called '911'. He told them that he found the body, already dead, obscured in some nearby bushes from where he was walking. He ran as fast as he could. Home. It felt good. Oh, it felt so good. Murder.

Edit 2: Check out Rose's lore by @Sonicboy95 It's amazing! ;)
Everybody needs to die, the only qeustion is how and when. Rose has live her life by those words starting with
her own parents. Daddy was always nice when people were around but only i knew his true face. Daddy's litte girl
he said every night before he used me. Mother knew but did nothing, she too was guilty. There is no justice in
this world untill we bring it with our own hands. What is justice Rose thought. Is it something people do for you,
is it jail, or is it something more simple? Rose could never find an answer untill one day when she decided to
walk home a different way. She saw the most curious sight, a boy about her age in a suit with a knife in his hand
and a gun in the other. He was following someone and she couldn't resist the urge to follow. He was quit and quick
the man never knew what hit him. He shot him once in both legs, then he took his knife and stabbed the man in the chest,
and finally slit his thoart. the blood was everywhere and Rose wasn't disgusted or scared at all, in fact she was excited
about it her heart beating radiply. She wished she could stay and watch but she couldn't break her curfew otherwise
daddy would get violent. That night she was empowered by sight she witnessed earlier and it answered her question.
Justice wasn't some complicated thing no it was simple answer: death. Death is justice and everyone needed to be
brought to justice. The first was daddy rose thought. When he came home it was rather simple and easier than rose
first thought. She grabbed a knife and cut his neck so many times that his head came off. that was when mother came
home. Rose thought mother would be happy that she gave justice to daddy but she screamed and called rose a monster
instead. A monster rose thought, no she wasn't the monster she was the monster hunter. Mommy was a moster though letting
daddy do what he did. she needed justice as well and rose gave it. By the time rose was finish there was nothing but
blood and guts all over the place with her in the center of it. then a another man came, the same one she saw earlier.
With an interested look on his face he asked rose if she did this. Rose didn't see a reason to lie and lying would make
her a monster. he explained that he had come him to bring justice to daddy but rose already did that. The man asked if
rose wantd to join him, to bring justice to other people. she was more than happy too, after all there are alot more
monster to hunt. In time rose learned the man was called billy and he had been bring justice to many people. together
they made themselves well known in the world and rose was the happiest she had ever been and was in love.
Go ask @Sonicboy95 if he can do lore for you. He's really good. Thanks by the way :p
Last edited:


Ah, I thought so. So, Billy Hill was once a kid who got bullied at school for being a 'Goody Two Shoes' and 'The Teacher's Pet', as every teacher adored him (*cough* cliche *cough*). But something happened one day, that changed Billy forever. He was walking home from school and passed a 4 year old boy, and slit his throat and he died instantly. It felt good. Murder. He felt so good. He went on a murder spree for many years and didn't get caught. He got bored and decided to kill for money. And that is how Billy Hill became The Hitman.

Rose's backstory, I haven't thought of yet. Tell me what you think of Billy's though?
What cause him to slit the boys throat? Don't intend to be rude but I think people will wonder how a goody two shoes type of person just up and kill a kid.


Cyborg Kiwi
What cause him to slit the boys throat? Don't intend to be rude but I think people will wonder how a goody two shoes type of person just u and kill a kid.
He got sick of people bullying him over the years. He got sick of it. Something clicked. He snapped. Something gave him the urge to kill. Sorry, I wasn't specific on that. No need to worry to be rude. You're totally fine ;) I'll edit that lore now.


He got sick of people bullying him over the years. He got sick of it. Something clicked. He snapped. Something gave him the urge to kill. Sorry, I wasn't specific on that. No need to worry to be rude. You're totally fine ;) I'll edit that lore now.
thanks. Let me know if you need any help with it, I'll be glad to offer any ideas I can


Cyborg Kiwi
Hey, this post has been dormant for an hour so I wanted to say something.
@Sonicboy95 can you help me with Rose Erasmus's lore? It would be highly appreciated. I'm not developing the game until I get the lore and backstories ready so the sooner I get the lore done, the sooner I start developing.


Hey, this post has been dormant for an hour so I wanted to say something.
@Sonicboy95 can you help me with Rose Erasmus's lore? It would be highly appreciated. I'm not developing the game until I get the lore and backstories ready so the sooner I get the lore done, the sooner I start developing.
Sure any guidelines you want me to follow


Cyborg Kiwi
Hey I finished the backstory. the ideas just came to me and didn't stop so here it is.
H... How.... Wh... What? Dear God. That was AMAZING! You did an awesome job at that! Woah. I might have to contact you again. That was wonderful. Here, have a cookie for your awesomeness:


H... How.... Wh... What? Dear God. That was AMAZING! You did an awesome job at that! Woah. I might have to contact you again. That was wonderful. Here, have a cookie for your awesomeness:
Thanks. To be honest that was my first time typing a story to a character that wasn't my own so I wasn't sure you would like.
I love cookies. Feel free to ask for my help. i'm happy to give it.
[doublepost=1444447741,1444445792][/doublepost]Hey, Trumully would you be interested in testing out my first rpg maker game?
its called Reaper a changing world and you can download it on gamejolt. its just a demo
but i'm close to completing it and would love some feedback.