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MVDesigner - The RPG Maker MV Plugin Creator


Staff member
Resource Team
MVDesigner allows you to create plugins for RPG Maker MV. It helps by allowing you to create and manage parameters and quickly generate scripts (known as quickscripts, see the how-to section in 'help' for more on the program). You can organize your code instead of having 1 massive wall of text by creating small scripts that each have their own purpose. You can give these scripts a name and a description to further keep things organized!

Its uploaded directly on as well (through itch embed), so no need to download it.
(If that doesn't work, try this link instead)

I'll admit I was a bit too lazy to see if Xyphien posted this already~ #Idtotallyprobablygetfiredifthiswasajob

Anyways enjoy everybody! Special thanks to Xyph there for embedding it into

Version 1.0.7B
The ability to import and export projects is now in place!
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