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MV Generator


Towns Guard
I've been adding resources to the MV generator and man, does it annoy me! I'm curious how you guys do it.

I've creates a whole separate folder structure where I add resources one by one, renaming everything with the correct names. I add a separator into the Variation folder (completely transparent 64x64 image), which allows me to make crediting people easier. I keep a txt file where I can track the separator and keep track of who to credit after which separator.

So how do you add resources to the generator? How do you make sure you credit the right people for their resources? Are there any tools that are out there to make things easier when it comes to the generator? What kind of tool would you love to have?

EDIT: Thanks for the move, I had that thought right after I posted :/
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LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
This is a great discussion I myself had extreme issues with it. Most of the issues is keeping track of credits, and I'm concerned that I may not have got them all which urges me to reset the whole folder and start over with much more organization. I would personally like to see folders being allowed as an organization, it would be much easier to place artists names as folders with the generator parts inside. I would like to hear what other peoples thoughts are on this topic because the design of the generator parts is horrendous.

Moved to MV Discussion