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MV [Eventing] Cooking no specific amount

Hey everyone! I have just a quick question. I'm in the midst of working on a cooking system of some sort. It's been a while...

Question, How do you set it to where if I had 3 raw fish in my inventory, I want them all to be cooked via a campfire or oven, but not have to set a specific amount?
I just want it to automatically just cook whatever raw food is in the inventory without me having to put "change item: raw fish - 3" or whichever items. Also, it would help if someone can tell me if it's the same progress to add the items back afterwards when its cooked. I can't seem to get it right.

Thank you! If something doesn't make sense please feel free to ask more. (heart)(heart)(heart)

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
First thing you do is create a new variable and set it to the amount of the item.

Then when you use the "Change Item" event command you will use a variable instead of the amount box. The tricky part is to put the same amount back into your inventory but of a different item "Cooked Fish" in your case. So before the item is cooked, in the event which cooks it. Save the variable we created above into a new variable like so

Then upon completion of the cooking, use the Change Item command again but use the Amount Cooked variable as the amount you want to put into the inventory.
I hope this helps in some way, I would of made a whole cooking event to show you but something tells me you will understand this little bit. If you don't let me know and I'll make a more detailed example and post.