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MV 1.3.1 Hotfix Update

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
The latest version of MV has been released and it has fixed a number of bugs present in 1.3.
《Change Log》
  • Fix for a number of glitches in v1.3.0
  • Fix for scrolling flicker in WebGL mode
  • Fix for the change tileset issue
  • Fix for WEBGL: INVALID_VALUE issue
  • Fix for the black lines on android
  • Fix for the sound not looping (replace in your project from NewData\audio\bgs)
  • Fix to NoAutoshadow.js
  • Fix enccryption error
  • Updated splash screen plugin
  • Enabled Pixi4 Garbage Collector
For those with the standalone version check ou the official topic for the update. For steam users, you should already be updated, if not close RPG Maker MV and restart it.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
The link provided above is just that, I'm pretty sure. it's just an .exe that installs the newest files to 'newdata' folder. Unless there is another reason you need the actual files?

Boy Who Codes

Praised Adventurer
If you copy the enire KADOKAWA folder in Program Files before updating and put it to one side, the 1.2 version can be run from there.
Just sayin'.
I am asking for the lib folder files, so I just use the whole js of 1.3 for my 1.2 build. Really, it's for development and experimentation sake. But no matter, I'll just download it whole, get the lib of 1.3.1 and then use 1.2 again.