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Music You Love But Others Hate


So I know awe all have different music taste. Some people might be into screamo while others are into Vocaloid... My point is that we all have one music taste that everyone hates so I wanna see what you people have! Post a link to your song and we will tell you want we think!

Please note that the rules of this forum is still in effect! We will not insult anyone here for what they like. We will judge the songs and/or artist.)

MY favorite band NDaD (Nero's Day at Disneyland) are 2 breakcore artist making amazing songs... But thats what I think all of my friends say it sounds like people dying and things breaking. I don't think they got the point of breakcore. Anyway this is my favorite song by them. I get made fun of a lot for listening to it in public c':



The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
@Kori I will admit, that song is certainly interesting. I like some parts of it though. I'm very open when it comes to music I haven't listened to before.

As for music I like but others hate... I wouldn't call it "hating" per se but getting weird looks and "oh really"s is an everyday thing when people ask me what music I listen to. I'm a huge fan of game soundtracks. I pretty much don't listen to anything else outside of soundtracks. Now, that might sound very restrictive, but it's not. Game soundtracks cover all kinds of genres. And that's what I love about them. :)

Here's just an example of one of my favourites:


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
@Kori: My ears are crying, and I can't tell if it's in a bad or good way.
@Kaimen: Just about 85% of my music is instrumental, lol. I always concentrate better without lyrics. : O

As for me...
A lot of people I know don't like anything without lyrics, lol.


@Kori: My ears are crying, and I can't tell if it's in a bad or good way.
@Kaimen: Just about 85% of my music is instrumental, lol. I always concentrate better without lyrics. : O

As for me...
A lot of people I know don't like anything without lyrics, lol.
That song is mega dank. I downloaded it to listen to during work :P


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
@Rise Evil: I love love love the soundtrack to this game series. :) Here's another favorite of mine:

There's so much discord from the different melodies playing at once, but it all meshes together so well. *__*

Rise Evil

Praised Adventurer
@Rise Evil: I love love love the soundtrack to this game series. :) Here's another favorite of mine:

There's so much discord from the different melodies playing at once, but it all meshes together so well. *__*
Daaaaaaaaaamn, the beat is fast and awesome at the same time. What to ask more? *_____*