Indie Dev

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Multiverse (Used to be called TimeLine)


Hello! I Am making a game called Multiverse. It is about a few kids who sign up for an experiment on the human race. When something goes wrong, The kids rip a hole in the time space continuum and allow other universes to float into theirs. The timelines all create new universes, thus creating a multiverse. With new timelines being crated, and new universes being formed. The destruction god, (Not Named yet), finds it's way into the multiverse and plans to wreak havoc. Will our 4 heroes rise up to the task of defending the multiverse?
So yeah. that was the game description. Like it? I Am only 12 years old and it took me a while to think of this story, but i'm happy with the way it turned out. You can use this thread to ask me any questions about the game, give feedback, etc. Hope you like it! You can back this project on raisegamer:
(note that this page was created before the name changed to multiverse)