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More Options Under RM Skills


Resident Dragon
Excuse me, Lord @Xyphien sir,

I was wondering if it is at all possible to add a few more options under the RM Skill drop down on our profiles. Things like Database Developer, Graphic Artist, Developer, Tileset Designer, etc. It just seems like there aren't enough labels. For instance, a Graphic Artist/Designer may draw pixel art, but may not consider themselves a Pixel Artist. Conversely, an Artist here may have listed themselves as a Pixel Artist but only because that was the closest label that matched their ability.

I know it seems petty and minor, and it is, and feel free to ignore this suggestion altogether. But the site is growing and we may end up needing to expand those options in the future anyway to cater for the growing number of forum members.

Just a thought! :D

PS. Everyone is awesome, but you get a +15 to your awesome level cause you are @Xyphien :D

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
You have a good point and I agree to almost everything, there is just one flaw with the skills options and the names can't be longer than something like 8 characters? so we will need a list of skills that don't exceed the limit and still make sense to the community. You're right though the community is getting very large and w have a much wider variety of skills appearing and it would be nice to have everyone included in the list. @Xyphien when you get a chance, chime in and let us know the exact issue with the skill's option under profile again, maybe we can all think up some good skill options for everyone.


Praised Adventurer
Not sure that this will go very far, despite being a reasonable idea. It can't cover the case of those, perhaps many, that have multiple skills, as it's a choice of one from a list, however long or detailed. I suppose there is a length issue (Programmer is more than 8, though...), but certainly not long enough for having combinations, such as Mapper - Musician or the like.
If there are more details to be had, there is a free text box in one's Profile in which full rein can be given to all of one's capacities. Having one skill, whatever it is, doesn't, in my opinion, really speak much about the person except as the vaguest of clues, and so may, itself, be rather vague.
Just sayin'.


Resident Dragon
Not sure that this will go very far, despite being a reasonable idea. It can't cover the case of those, perhaps many, that have multiple skills, as it's a choice of one from a list, however long or detailed. I suppose there is a length issue (Programmer is more than 8, though...), but certainly not long enough for having combinations, such as Mapper - Musician or the like.
If there are more details to be had, there is a free text box in one's Profile in which full rein can be given to all of one's capacities. Having one skill, whatever it is, doesn't, in my opinion, really speak much about the person except as the vaguest of clues, and so may, itself, be rather vague.
Just sayin'.
I was thinks more along the lines of having multiple drop down boxes potentially, the options chosen there displaying on a person's profile on, rather than in the side bar (their first choice still being displayed in the sidebar though). :)

In any case, I'm just putting it out there. I can sometimes be nitpicky. XD Sorry :D