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More Badges?


Staff member
Resource Team
Would you all like to see more badges, and if so, what would you like them to be about?

Post your badge ideas below, and it could be added to the badge list :D

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Yes yes yes !
How about likes given badges rather than likes received lol.
Maybe top poster, is rewarded when you make the most posts in one day
When support questions get going there should be most helpful badge so if your post gets so many helpful likes you get this one :D
I have more ideas but I'm on mobile phone so don't feel like typing all kinds lol.


Staff member
Resource Team
Maybe a badge for contributions? eg: sprites, scripts, music, tutorials, etc.
You get badges for uploading stuff to the resources already, or are you talking about specific badges for uploading in the sprites, scripts, etc. section. If so, that would have to be manually added each time someone uploads to the resources, and won't really work out too well in the future.
- A badge for having a signature (Might not have seen this one yet, or just forgotten it exists!)
- having an avatar
- a mood
- giving out X post votes
- being a member for X time


Praised Adventurer
You get badges for uploading stuff to the resources already, or are you talking about specific badges for uploading in the sprites, scripts, etc. section. If so, that would have to be manually added each time someone uploads to the resources, and won't really work out too well in the future.
Yes, I was thinking specific badges.
Perhaps through a nomination system or through forum contests.
Too easy, people'll spam the shit of loggin and log out XD
But logging in and out a bunch one day doesn't equal logging in two different days, right? Even if people just logged in real quick for the day, it counts... but the badges would be for logging in at least once every day for the last week, two weeks, month... chances are people will miss one of those days!
There's a huge gap between 100 and 1,000 posts, and no badges in-between. What about a badge for every 100 posts after 100, then every 150 after 1,000, then every 200 after 2,000 etc?

*(Values subject to modification)

(So that you can still get points/exp toward levels by posting, as the gap to get to higher levels becomes very large as it is an exponential increase)


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
A badge for logging on X amount of days in a row!
I'm logged in constantly because I'm too lazy for passwords. :P
There's a huge gap between 100 and 1,000 posts, and no badges in-between. What about a badge for every 100 posts after 100, then every 150 after 1,000, then every 200 after 2,000 etc?
I think more badges for posting would be a good idea. It's pretty much the only thing everyone can and will do. I won't get badges for resources, for example, since I post my music in bunches and not individually to keep things organized.

Speaking of resources, why not have badges for the different types of resources. I would love to earn some points for making music, not just "posting resources". :)


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
- More badges for post quantity would be awesome. I saw the next requirement after 100 and went @____@'' lol.
- Some sort of badges for fulfilling resource requests would be a nice incentive for everyone to help each other.

Speaking of resources, why not have badges for the different types of resources. I would love to earn some points for making music, not just "posting resources". :)
Badges for uploading specific kinds of resources would be neat, but I could see that getting complicated/exploited. If someone wanted to earn a badge for sprites or tiles, for example, they could separate all of their sheets into individual ones, etc.
Yeah, I have about 27 points to the next level and there isn't really much big stuff I can do for it except contributing something to the forum which I can't do every time I want a level XD (The next one I'm pretty sure is like 35 points or something too, so yeah)

Rise Evil

Praised Adventurer
Every 100 message or 200 messages, I don't know. I would understand if it was at least every 250 messages, then 500 to a certain degree, but there's no cap for the maximum messages. Would be teddious to add a shitload of badges for that xD


Staff member
Resource Team
If I added filler badges, they would not be worth too much points, and would be 250, 500, 750, 1000, 1250, 1500, 1750, etc. and be worth like 5 points. It'd also clog up the badges. We will have a crapton of badges, as we will be hosting loads of events, and some events everyone will get a badge for participated, others for being in the top 5, top 10, etc. So, over time we will get a LOAD of badges. However, MV isn't out yet, so we don't have the resource to make huge events like this currently. I thought about adding filler badges, but chose against it for this main reason. It wouldn't make much since to add all that to fill up the space because it'd simply make the badges look messy, and add wayyy to much badges.


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
For posting, something like 1, 25, 100, 250, 750, 1000 makes sense to me. 1337 could come next, lol. It's a weird balance. Too many badges makes them less special. Too few makes it frustrating.

Edit @Xyphien: Honestly, I wouldn't add badges for posting past 1,000 unless it's for something fun like 1337.