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Mission log / Protagonists journal?!?


Towns Guard
Hey everyone.
As I get closer and closer to the point where I will have everything I need to start making my game in RPG Maker, The more I need to start thinking about how to implement the features that I want. One of the features I want to add is a Players journal that updates from new encounters in the world and other characters, kind of like a codex/database in other games, and the other is a mission log that'll be visible on the side of the screen.

What I want:

  • Character Biographies: As Todd encounters new characters in the story, I want a section of his journal to update with a picture and a bio of each to provide backstory on each character.
  • Maps: As players progress though the game, I want a section of the journal to add a new map of the new area(s)
  • As the Player progresses through the main quest, I want a Section of the journal where Todd writes down a synopsis of what happened up to that point, similar to the sequence summaries in the 'Assassin's Creed series'.
Mission Log:
  • As Todd picks up new main and side missions, I would like them to be added to the mission log that also shows the next objective, and have the mission taken off the log upon completion.
Would anyone happen to know how to accomplish these things? Or know a plugin that can?
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!

Here's the main post for my game, TAT:ASRPG: