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MinisterJay's Multi-Tasking Workshop


Staff member
MinisterJay's Workshop

Image and Mapping Workshop

Tired of the the standard MV RTP style of flora maps? Custom trees, bushes, flowers, and mushrooms can work with RTP buidlings and characters.



Forested maps can even convert them to RETRO Black and White:


Even 'Tru 2D' forested maps available for Ball Worlds.

!Village Hall.png

Custom Made Elemental and Wisps Battlers:

Elementals10-13SAMPLES.png SixElementalBattlersPreview.png TheWispsPreview.png TheEyePreview.png

Custom Made Ball People Images:





Format: Describe in at much detail as possible what it is that you are looking for. It is as simple as that.

If it is for a free project, then all I would like to see is a little credit for the images. Credit MinisterJay
If it is for for a commercial project, we can negotiate via PM.


Writing Workshop
There are many services that i can write for your game project or company:
*Writing reviews for an eZine or other publication.
*Proofreading readable content within demos and beta testing.
*Write creative chapters and sub-chapters for fantasy games.
adverting and marketing proposals.

If it is for for a commercial project, we can negotiate via PM.

If you desire to bless me, you can donate to my PayPal account. A portion of these funds will be directed back to this forum.



Hi MinisterJay, I was hoping to make a request. Could you make a Sci-Fi City map for RMMV. I was hoping to have the city resemble a world were science and development got to an extreme sort of like the city in Blade Runner or the city at the beginning of Avatar. I would do it myself but I can't seem to get it right. I need the help of someone who actually know what he's doing.

Your help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you!