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MASSIVE Recruiting Project for The Merchants of Everlive


Staff member
Throughout the United Chiefdoms, it was known that Everlive was the city of opportunity. Exotic items and delicacies were to be found that were not available anywhere else. Merchant caravans ventured to Everlive hoping to sell cheap items the city needed, and also buy the quite expensive items the city offered. Back in other towns, they could make very high profits on the select items that they invested in. There also was a reason that the items brought such high investment returns. Only about one out of ten caravans, that entered Everlive, ever exited the city...

The lands around Everlive were very hostile. Making the conditions worse was that the sole fresh water source had twenty foot high walls, with archers stationed on them to stop anyone from reaching the river. It was known as The Walled River. It was walled for over thirty miles, starting at Everlive Mountain, all the way to its mouth, at the ocean. Even at the mouth, archers and pikemen prevented access.

The poorest and most numerous people lived from two to ten miles from Everlive. They offered cheap items. Food caravans could make a little profit from selling food to them. It was almost guaranteed. Water caravans could make more profit, but they were often targeted by desert bandits. The poor people were known as the Low Merchants.

The people living closer to, but not in, Everlive were known as Mid Merchants. The soil was better than the Low Merchants area. Simple gardens could supply their food. Some specialized in growing plants that had very deep roots reaching an aquifer that ended about two miles from the city. The Mid Merchants tended better protection. They could afford better weapons. Those closest to the city’s gate could even afford a guard or two. To different caravans, a little more profit could be made trading with the Mid Merchants.

The High Merchants lived in the walled city of Everlive. Little was known about them. It seemed as the few caravans, that exited the city, were sworn to some sort of secrecy. Everlive, itself, was near the top of the mountain sharing its name. One known fact was that very high profits could be made. Another fact was that food caravans were not allowed to enter the city.

About two miles northeast of the furthest area of the Low Merchants, away from Everlive, was The Mount. To get to it, there was a path that forked away from the main road. Like everything else pf value, it was walled in. It was controlled by The Miner’s Guild.

You needed to make some easy coinage, so you decided to be an escort for a food caravan heading to the Low Merchants of Everlive. It has been about two days journey across the desert, following the coastline. You hear camels grunt their complaints. Ahead, you see a cloud of sand, getting larger, coming closer. It’s desert bandits...

Imagine a game system where what you do in REAL LIFE gains you experience within the game. Here are different areas in Real Life that gain you experience in the games.

1. When you submit an article for a magazine or write a story for a game, you get SCRIBE experience.
2. When you submit poetry for the magazine or a game, you gain BARD experience.
3. When you recruit new members to our community, you gain LEADER experience.
4. When you submit artwork, you gain ARTISAN experience.
5. When you submit music compositions you gain PERFORMER experience.
6. When you submit plugins, you gain BUILDER experience.
7. When you play one of our community's games, you gain WARRIOR experience.
8. When you financially invest in our community, you gain MINER experience.
9. When you submit puzzles, you gain MUSER experience.
10. When you financially donate to our community for another member to receive MINER experience, you gain GIVER experience.
11. FUTURE POSITION: When you submit an entire game, you gain AMBASSADOR experience.

If you look carefully you will notice the words "submit" and "play". You are reading correctly, you gain experience for submitting and playing. You get even more experience if your submission is used in a game or game supplement (example: magazine). You get even more experience for successfully playing an entire game. With submissions, you may gain a lot of experience for making a lot of submissions, but for certain level advancements, there will be requirements for submission to be used, or proposed to be used in a game or game supplement.

The membership into the community is free. Members that have their submissions accepted in a game or magazine may receive compensation, when that particular game or game supplement, has made an income. With higher profits, bonuses may be given to members who have high levels of different game categories (bard, leader, artisan, performer, builder, warrior, minor, etc.).

As you can see, there are a lot of positions available for this massive project. We need a large variety of writers and poets. We need artists to create enemies, 'museum' artworks, unique flora and fauna for the landscape, title screen, chapter screens, facesets, etc. We need music composers with different styles. Plugin makers can be a great asset in creating new experiences for the players. These and other positions are available.

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Sounds like it would be really hard to get people to actually do this for a game. I see it working here on the forum though, since the forum serves as a nice database. Some of these options sound too difficult, time consuming, and sounds honestly no different than a glorified condensed forum squeezed into a game.

I think some of the options are easily doable though, like WARRIOR, SCRIBE. BARD, and LEADER. Perhaps a role like FARMER could be used to find freely usable assets (which from my experience is an important role in RPG Maker game design). The other roles actually are much more time consuming and costly (MINER, PERFORMER, and ARTISAN) and they are easily few levels above the rest. More time, work, and quite literally, actual money. So I guess you can say I'm sort of half liking the idea, and half skeptical of it.

In short, from what I'm reading (if correctly) is that people are going to be submitting work for this game, so that your company aka the game can cannibalize (and maybe even profit from) it? What incentive would someone have to do such a thing as opposed to just sharing it here on the forum? I'm earnestly curious about that. The main issue here is the forum seems to consist of people working on personal projects, so I'm thinking it's going to be a real tough journey trying to find people to join one that has nothing but a basic blueprint.

I actually tried a project like this before. It was literally an identical project. It worked out well at first, but eventually the writers started arguing with each other about the plot. Ever seen a large group of video game story writers TRY to work together? It's not a pretty thing.

Anyways, as always, finding artists (and musicians of course) is a VERY HARD TASK, and unless they are outright paid, I see very little chances of you getting one or more of them to make a brand new game from the ground up. Focusing on using existing assets would probably be the easiest way to kick it off, I think.

I'm wonder how the game would even play out though. The intro is really vague!

That's my honest and sincere opinion of this idea. I'm not trying to be a downer or anything either, I only respond to ideas that I can respect.

(Oh, and you have two 6'es listed.)


Staff member
Previously with VX Ace, I had some an anthology with over a dozen writers, on six different continents (Antarctica was hard to find any). It was nice to read all the different stories about different types of fairies throughout the world. I have managed over 100 workers before, and with my background, I know how to make spreadsheets to manipulate different variables. I already have an attorney and song writer who are going to submit written pieces. The song writer might also write lyrics and/or poems for the bards. We already have members from the United States, The Philippines, Indonesia, Zambia, and Saudi Arabia.

We also have a couple artists, but there is room for more. Some gamers liked the concept too. For "The Merchants of Everlive", I will not be using any of my personally made assets, and initially will be using RTP.

The way I have it structured, it is very possibly for many to make a lot more than me, when it goes commercial. If none of the submitters/contributors are making any money, then myself and the business are not making any money. Leadership comes from building up the people around you, and helping them achieve their goals and dreams. My part of it is to make that happen. There are so many people, that do not live in developed countries, that can really use extra income. Even though, I am the founder of RPG Biz, I still have the missionary spirit, to help as people possible. There are also, non-stated bonuses being set up for players who obtain high levels of different skills, with a few additional low task oriented requirements.

There are not going to be any fights on what stories are part of the official games and which ones are not. As senior editor/game developer, I decide where a story fits, and if it even fits.

A person can play the games, and successfully complete it, with no financial contributions at all.

The website will have a forum-like section.

Thanks for catching the two 6'es.

Why did I create RPG Biz? I want to help as many people as possible fulfil their dreams and goals. There are so many different types of talents that each of us has been blessed with. By being part of a large vision and uniting these talents in projects, help each of us grow stronger, in our individual strengths. I open the opportunity to all to be part of creating a 2D game that will teach, be entertaining, and be family friendly. Some of us may even have hidden talents that are waiting to be awoken.

I appreciate your opinion, Macro. It was very constructive.
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Staff member
Some people from this community may indeed participate, in the project. At, this time, I am not looking at any particular assets found in our resources. Some people who have resources here have joined the project.

Some people in this project have never worked in any part of making games. We have members from Germany, Brazil, Ghana, United States, The Philippines, Indonesia, and Saudi Arabia. There are different levels of English understandings.

One member has offered to do a complete German version.


Praised Adventurer
Resource Team
Hi Minister!

Sounds like a really cool project. I had a couple quick questions.

1. If I were to contribute tilesets to the RPG Biz community, would I still be able to sell them via this forum, or would all rights transfer to RPG Biz?

2. What is the best way to send assets for consideration?


Staff member
Hi Minister!

Sounds like a really cool project. I had a couple quick questions.

1. If I were to contribute tilesets to the RPG Biz community, would I still be able to sell them via this forum, or would all rights transfer to RPG Biz?

2. What is the best way to send assets for consideration?
These are very great questions.

1. Yes, you would be able to sell then via this forum. We are not using anybody's Tilesets with exclusive usage. Your Tilesets are your creations. Your contributions to RPG Biz are an honor for the whole community.

Now, Title and Chapter Screens/Scenes are a different issues. Those would have exclusive artwork made solely for the games of RPG Biz.

2. I have multiple ways to accept assets artistic submissions. Facebook allows them to send via messaging. They can also be submitted via email : thenewhopeteam . Writings, songs, and poems can be sent via RMMV.CO/Facebook/Steam PMs. emailing, etc.

Answer to another potential question. Can I submit an asset that has already been released in forum resources or elsewhere?

Yes, you can, as long as it is your asset.

Please feel free to ask more questions.
[doublepost=1498515123,1498418190][/doublepost]Even though we currently have only 36 participants, there is still room for more.
[doublepost=1499085590][/doublepost]Looking for more people to be part of this big vision. There are 70 members, and we have room for much more. I am looking for a great diversity of story tellers, song writers, poets, etc.
[doublepost=1499789894][/doublepost]We are growing. We now have 83 members. We still needs more artists, writers, plugin makers, poets, song writers, music composers, beta testers, etc. Come join our team. Let's make this big vision a reality.