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Map to Map Transfer


Friends i just loaded the latest from RPG Maker MV and created my World Map and then my first town but when i go to create an event to go from the world map to the town it will not save the MAP002 My World Map is MAP001 and my town is MAP002.

Do i need to have the town map under the world map as far as the tree structure goes ? not sure what i am doing wrong/ I can manually add the correct destination and it saves and works fine.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Can we see some screenshots? I'm unsure of how things are setup in your project and the more we know the more someone can help you.

Status Gear Entertainment

Praised Adventurer
Friends i just loaded the latest from RPG Maker MV and created my World Map and then my first town but when i go to create an event to go from the world map to the town it will not save the MAP002 My World Map is MAP001 and my town is MAP002.
This is fairly odd to hear. A screenshot / Screenshots will be definitely helpful.

Do i need to have the town map under the world map as far as the tree structure goes ? not sure what i am doing wrong/ I can manually add the correct destination and it saves and works fine.
Nope the tree structure is just for organizational purposes. It is the same as the previous RPG Maker softwares.