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Male and Female Lead Characters

Hello peoples,

First question on the forums, just wondering what are some opinions out there about having male and female lead characters.

Which one is more popular also if people would like to have a choice on the matter in the game. i.e. at the start choosing to be male or female for the rest of the game.

Also would it be expected that the male and female heroes have different dialogue? I think during the main story and not lesser dialogue.

Tell me what you think!



I think that, if you were to put a choice in the game, it would be beneficial if the choice influenced gameplay (such as stats, equipment, play style etc) and/or story-wise (either character has a somewhat different personality, choices, or even story path. Also, gender could influence what shops the characters are welcomed at. I've yet to see one of those.)

I find such games are more interesting than those that simply have you choose a gender and nothing else happens.

Regarding immersion, I don't mind playing as the opposite gender. As long as the characters are interesting, I generally enjoy a game.


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Hmmm.... To be honest, I don't really care about how a character looks as long as they're fun to play as. ^^

Having the option to choose the character's gender is nice, but it really only matters to me if it changes some aspect of the game (character interactions, skillsets, etc.). I don't see much point in having everything stay the same except for how one character looks.
Hey thanks for the input so far!
I think this is a big point when it comes to having gender as a choice. I was mostly wondering if people had a bias to playing one over the other mainly for immersion but it's good to hear that it's not a big issue. I do like the idea that choosing gender would also effect gameplay, guess I'll play around and see what works.

Feel free to add more and share your thoughts :)