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What should the next character be?

  • A King

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A Gambler

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Evil Guy Gone Good

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Cyborg Kiwi

(Logo by @Status Gear Entertainment. Logo subject to change.)

(WIP Intro to Magic!)

A shadow is growing over Earthrealm.

Wars have increased dramatically.
Death tolls are on the rise.
Society is collapsing on itself.
Villages are engulfed in flame.
Darkness is overthrowing Light.

Something has to be done.
Someone has to rise up, and stop this.
We may never stop this, though.
We may be eternally enslaved.

No one is brave enough to stand up to this threat.

But someone must...

Zaal, the God of Creation, has created a spellblade named Dante. Zaal decided that Earthrealm needed a hero to overthrow evil in a mythical mystical magical magic adventure. With help on the way, Dante will and must destroy evil once and for all. But, the choices you make on the way may affect you for your entire mythical mystical magical magic adventure.


Name: Dante
Class: Spellblade
Lore: The last spellblade created by Zaal, Dante has been summoned in Earthrealm to protect all from Darkness.

Name: Ralph
Class: Guardian
Lore: A guardian stripped of his status, Ralph roams the land to protect those that cannot themselves.

Update 1: Looking for a Dev team! Looking for people with all sorts of skills: Eventing, Scripting, Art, etc. PM on the forum if you wish to be a part of the team! ;)

Update 2: Finally, showing off my WIP intro video! Hope you like it! :)
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LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I like the logo :) This sounds like it will be a interesting game, do you plan on making it a large game or a shorter games? I'll be watching to keep posted on this.


Cyborg Kiwi
I like the logo :) This sounds like it will be a interesting game, do you plan on making it a large game or a shorter games? I'll be watching to keep posted on this.
Hmm. I haven't thought about this yet. I was thinking a large game. But that would be hard, as it would be my first big project. I'll think about. But I guess making a large game, even with a team of people, is hard anyways.
I have to agree with you on the logo. @Status Gear Entertainment has done an amazing job so far! :P
I'm also glad you like the sound of it! That's real good news for me! <3


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
Other than thinking this is hard to pronounce and kinda awkward sounding, I like where this is going. I like games that have choices affect the way the story progresses. Kinda curious to see how you're gonna handle this. :)


Cyborg Kiwi
Other than thinking this is hard to pronounce and kinda awkward sounding, I like where this is going. I like games that have choices affect the way the story progresses. Kinda curious to see how you're gonna handle this. :)
Yea, I found it like that too when I was making. I couldn't think of anything else XD It's pronounced: Earth-realm. I'm definitely changing this. Choices are a hard thing to handle and control. You just can't have too much nor too little choice, otherwise the game feels weird. I'll do what I can though. Also, if you have any other name for 'Earthrealm', suggestions are welcome!
[doublepost=1446620448,1446572766][/doublepost]Update: Looking for a Dev team! Looking for people with all sorts of skills: Eventing, Scripting, Art, etc. PM on the forum if you wish to be a part of the team (Update will be in original thread, just putting it here to alert you all ;))