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Looking for Artists & Mappers

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Staff member
Resource Team
Hello everyone, my main focus right now is finding someone who can map for me. I'm greatly in need of some mappers to help further the project along. I cannot offer much in pay as of now, however, those who create a wide amount of maps for the game will get a percentage of the games profit after release.

I'm also looking for some artists who can design stunningly beautiful scenery, characters, faces, etc. It'd be a pay by set basis, so every time you complete a set "Full TileSet, Character + Faces" etc. I'd pay you, or give you whatever we had in return.

If you're interested please PM me your price, or what you would like to trade in return, etc. As well as show some of your previous work!
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Dragon Goddess
Can you share some more information on exactly what you'd need with quests and stuff? Like just ideas/random dialogue? I'd be happy to help with a few smaller things, but I really would like to know more first. :D


Cyborg Kiwi
Hello everyone, I'm looking for a long-term artist who can design stunningly beautiful scenery, characters, faces, etc. It'd be a pay by set basis, so every time you complete a set "Full TileSet, Character + Faces" etc. I'd pay you, or give you whatever we had in return.

I'm also looking for some writers, and people to come up with some lengthy quests, mild length quests, and slightly quick quests, as well as general conversations with NPCs.

If you're interested please PM me your price, or what you would like to trade in return, etc. As well as show some of your previous work!
I may PM you to be a writer! But the only previous work I've done is lore for my game 'Point Blank'.


Staff member
Resource Team
Can you share some more information on exactly what you'd need with quests and stuff? Like just ideas/random dialogue? I'd be happy to help with a few smaller things, but I really would like to know more first. :D
All the information I really have right now is in the Elderage post (See link in signature)


Dragon Goddess
Sounds like a really awesome project! I'm not exactly sure how I could contribute though. My initial thoughts are something like, giving you some ideas for a small town, several characters and some quests there. Would you want everything entirely created and fleshed out by me, or just some general ideas or...? Just wondering exactly how I could be of assistance.

It does sound really fun and I'd love to contribute a few ideas of my own. I'm not sure what of my work you'd want to see though--I've started numerous RPG Maker games over the years (only one recently) but haven't gotten too far with them. Would you want to see a short recording of a simple quest I made, or would it be better to show you some character bios or story excerpts I've written?


Staff member
Resource Team
@Micro Any and all of those are more than welcomed. I have the overall map mapped out in the picture, but I still don't have the actual game map made (Areas, etc.) as well as any background information on each section, town, people, etc. So, if you have any ideas on any character, towns, quests, anything actually you'd like to see in there feel free to PM me, and we can discuss everything :)


Dragon Goddess
Okay, I will give it some thought and get back to you. I'll try to think of something original for you to use and will PM you if I come up with something cool. =)


I'm interested to be the artist.
Though I might not work on tileset stuffs... (I'm still learning in this part XD)
I'd like to design the characters.

You can review my artworks in EpicFILE Drawing Stuff.
It's on my signature. :)
Intriguing, most intriguing. I've been knee deep with work and working on my story; so I haven't been around much, but if I think of anything extra I'll see bout tossing a few ideas your way.


Staff member
Are you looking for writers to be of an anthology, multiple writers writing about the same story, from different perspectives, or are you looking for general writers? I am a published magazine writer for Hot-Psychology Magazine and Mission Health Magazine. I have over seven years of teaching experience, and over five years of college tutoring experience specializing in writing, law, business, and religion. I have numerous non-published fantasy, sci-fi, and non-fiction articles. I love writing stories. I am also a part-time instructor for a game design school, in the areas of marketing, global mythologies, and religion. We may be viable options to strengthen each other.


Bizarre Monkey

Sometimes I wish I could help out...

But then I remember I'm the CEO of a 16 member game dev company and have 7 IP's to finish off.

I wish you the best of luck, though.


Staff member
Resource Team
I'm interested to be the artist.
Though I might not work on tileset stuffs... (I'm still learning in this part XD)
I'd like to design the characters.

You can review my artworks in EpicFILE Drawing Stuff.
It's on my signature. :)
If you'd like to make some designs/ideas feel free to PM me them :) If I use any I'll make sure to add you to the credits.

Are you looking for writers to be of an anthology, multiple writers writing about the same story, from different perspectives, or are you looking for general writers? I am a published magazine writer for Hot-Psychology Magazine and Mission Health Magazine. I have over seven years of teaching experience, and over five years of college tutoring experience specializing in writing, law, business, and religion. I have numerous non-published fantasy, sci-fi, and non-fiction articles. I love writing stories. I am also a part-time instructor for a game design school, in the areas of marketing, global mythologies, and religion. We may be viable options to strengthen each other.

I'll reply to your PM :) But to answer the question for everyone I'm looking for general writers for everything, someone to create different quests, dialog for random NPC's, etc. The quests range from huge quests, to smaller quests. I can give you the ideas of the basis of the quests in a PM if you'd like.



I'm interested to work as a writer for your project. I've worked on Del Mimosa a horror game under development. I've written for three online web comic companies and also starting a horror project for which I'm looking an RPG creator. My demand is very low. I'm interested And would definitely adjust to whatever requirements you have. Please email me here if interested :
I may be able to do this as a writer. Just exactly do you mean by quests? Like story line quests, side quests? Will we be writing characters for the quests, or will you be taking care of that? What are possible payments that you are willing to do? Money? Resources? And what kind of game would this be for? Fantasy? Scifi? Steampunk? Modern?


Praised Adventurer
I may be able to help you design some questlines. I'm known for being able to pull together some unique ones xP. I don't really know how to do quest chains with the same npc though, but if it involves something like "retrieve item from creature, deliver item, get different item in return, trade in that item for coins, return with coins to buy the item you initially went afte" would be kinda easy lol. I would need to know what you are looking for exactly though in order to draft some ideas with it. I don't have a lot of free time, but I'm a fast worker when it catches my interest heh. Lemme know if you want my help with this on some smaller quests and such!


Staff member
Resource Team
Update, I'm now focus on looking for mappers for the game than anything. If you are a mapper, and would like to create some content, feel free to message me directly.


Staff member
Are you looking for MV RTP map styles or custom maps? If custom maps, are you looking for multiple parallax layers?


Staff member
Resource Team
Are you looking for MV RTP map styles or custom maps? If custom maps, are you looking for multiple parallax layers?
Just someone to make custom maps of all shapes and sizes. The area I have is MASSIVE and I'm going through it island by island (Which 1 island probably consists of like 40+ average sized maps. I hope this answers your questions.


Staff member
Later today, I was planning to make a larger forest multi-path map using mainly deciduous trees and bushes.


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