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Looking for A Java Scripter

Joshua Amado

My name is Joshua I am the Ceo of a small gaming company called BioStorm Studios. We are currently looking for a Java Scripter who can create a few scripts for Our game The Fall of Neries. There is a cash incentive dependant on the scripts written and quality of them. The most needed script is a battler script, while the smaller scripts would include a mini-map and improved HUD. There are smaller scripts needed but not so much so that they are worth mentioning now, if you are interested please contact me here or via email at You can also check us out at

Boy Who Codes

Praised Adventurer
Could you elaborate on a list for the possible scripts / plugins that you need? I am interested, but before I want to invest a time on getting into it, I want to know what these plugins exactly are.

Joshua Amado

Could you elaborate on a list for the possible scripts / plugins that you need? I am interested, but before I want to invest a time on getting into it, I want to know what these plugins exactly are.
I am looking for the following scripts over the next 6 months.
  1. Improved Battle System; Look and Feel
  2. Improved Menu System
  3. HUD
  4. An Improved mini-Map Script
And that should be all, if there was anymore it would most likely be smaller scripts.

Boy Who Codes

Praised Adventurer
How does the Improved Battle System look like exactly? Are you talking about the FBS or the SBS?

What does the Menu look like?

Same goes with the HUD.

Without a mock up, we don't know how we can start to help you. If you can provide images of how they'd look, I'd be happy to see if it is under my belt to help, etc.

Joshua Amado

How does the Improved Battle System look like exactly? Are you talking about the FBS or the SBS?

What does the Menu look like?

Same goes with the HUD.

Without a mock up, we don't know how we can start to help you. If you can provide images of how they'd look, I'd be happy to see if it is under my belt to help, etc.
Right now the most important part would be the battle system we want it to stay in a side view position. when you are on an active player to choose what their next action will be you would see an opaque version on that character on screen. Like in the bottom picture but it would be on the side of the players instead of the enemy side.I would also like the options for the player to be in a corner of the screen as wheel as you can see in the bottom picture. I would like the player stats to be on screen as seen in the bottom picture. A victory aftermath page such as the middle picture would also be needed as to make sure the player understands what they have gained in a easy to understand visual format. Lastly I would like the enemies health to be displayed like the bottom picture. There would be small changes to the way messages are displayed as well however those would minimal change.

In according with the Menu of the game I would like the Menu to look like a book that is being read from. I would like the words to fade in and out on the page depending on what you chose, certain menu's like the Equipment menu and Status would look something like this in book format as well.

Were looking for the HUD to be as minimal as possible but still give players what they need. We would like the HUD to include a small mini-map that has coding to include symbols based on what we put in the game engine itself (with a script call event), A character picture of the current character with their health and magic bar much like what is shown above in the status window. and if the character has a sort of effect on.

The weather system would simply be a way to change the weather based on what time of day and year it is so it would change the way the screen looks and what type of shading effect is on as well. This would also affect the battle system a little in a small way. i.e. if it is raining fire attacks are weaker, if it's snowing their even worse.

If you have anymore question please feel free to ask and if you feel as if all of them together is to much we would appreciate any of them that you could do.

Boy Who Codes

Praised Adventurer
Most of them are doable but it needs a lot of time. It's also nice that you want the Equipment Menu to look like that. It's funny because I am the creator of the menu in VXAce for that menu system, lol. I might port it to MV, but it depends if I have the time.
The plugins for your desired Victory Aftermath and Enemy HP gauges has already been created by Yanfly, however if you go that route you 9/10 will have to use Yanfly plugins all the way through; based on my experiences fiddling with YEA scripts for VXAce, his plugins may not play nice with plugins from other programmers, unless said other programmer developed their plugins specifically to be compatible with YEP