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LMBS Sprites


Hey, me again, asking for another thing. XDD
I was installing MOG's LMBS plugin and I realized that I need a specific kind of sprites in this new battle system. You know I'm pretty bad creating images out of nothing so If you can help me I would be so graceful.
The sprites have to be of my game's characters, you can find them in my demo, here at Resources--Demos-- A Dark Hero's Tale...

If you need an image of the chars I could edit some draws I have and scan them... Thanks for your help

This is the plugin's website so you can download the plugin if you need how does it work (this is not spam, is a way to give them an example of the sprites and the ones needed):


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Hey :D
I probably can't help you because my schedule for holidays is super full. But as for this request the person had to know how your character is supposed to fight and who you need as lmbs sprites. I'm using it in a side project as well and making really easy ones, it still takes me too much time though.
Alik.png Alik[AirDash].png Alik[Damage].png Alik[Dead].png Alik[Idle].png Alik[Walk].png Alik[Dash].png
I'm not even halfway done and I currently don't even have time to continue this sideproject. As for comparison, here's moghunters used sprites (which are of a game i dont remember, so please forgive me xD But i can't repost it bc copyright :x)

So you need:


and for several files you need one or two more frames to have it animated. But what I actually want to say is that Moghunter is awesome, Moghunters plugins are like sweet happy-birthday-cakes. Why I am making this post, ehh I think to help the artist with directions in this. I think. Really. And its a lot of work but totally worth it because its one of the funniest battle systems Ive played so far. Good luck with finding someone~


Hey :D
I probably can't help you because my schedule for holidays is super full. But as for this request the person had to know how your character is supposed to fight and who you need as lmbs sprites. I'm using it in a side project as well and making really easy ones, it still takes me too much time though.
Thanks cunechan for your support, I'll keep searching for someone that con help me, but if in any moment you have enough time and you feel you can help you'll be welcomed to help.

The principal char (BonFire) attacks with a buster sword diagonally. When he moves he has it on it's back as FF7 protagonist Cloud Strife does, and have his hands in his pockets. When he "Dies" in the game, he just kneels (just with one knee), plunges his sword into the ground, one hand in the sword's handle and the other in the ground, and the head looking down. He guards as Cloud Strife does. When idle, he throws the sword up, making spin in circles vertically and catch it again by the handle. He celebrates victory grasping the sword by the handle reversely, in front of him, with the hand that is in the handle upper from his shoulder, the edge looking up, and holsters it on his back's holster giving it a return on his hand diagonally.

The second principal (JOnathan) attacks with a double-edged spear, diagonally as well, with one hand. He walks supporting the spear on his shoulder. "Dies" as BonFire but with both hands on the spear. He guards with the spear horizontally supported with both hands in the ends up to his face, a little inclined to the left. Idle, he spins his spear on his hand and changing hands around himself without stoping the spining spear. Victory is pretty simple, he points forward with the spear, smiles and spends his thumb by his nose's tip.

The principal female (Lisy) is a anime's loli mage cliche. She walks with a staff close to her in a fearful way. "Dies" sitting with her legs like this: >< . Being his knees the arrowheads, looking down and both hands in the ground, but one of them still holds the staff. Idle, she reads a magical book. I think you can guess how she celebrates victory so I will not explain it.