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Limited Inventory 1.0

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Mr. Trivel

Praised Adventurer
Mr. Trivel submitted a new resource:

Limited Inventory - Limits inventory space by item number or item weight.

Author: Mr. Trivel
Name: Limited Inventory
Version: 1.0
Created: 2016-04-04

What does it do?
Limits inventory space by item number or item weight.


How to use?
Change parameters in Plugin Manager as needed.

Plugin has 2 modes - 'number' and 'weight' mode.
'number' mode limits 1 item to 1 slot.
'weight' mode limits items to slots depending to their weight,...
Read more about this resource...


do you plan on updating this anytime soon? i'm getting an error with the weight feature when i try to equip something to an empty slot, i think the mv updates may have messed up the plugins, the error code being

Cannot read property 'meta' of null

at Game_Party.gainItem (/C:/Users/Resty/Documents/Games/Twisted%20Fates/js/plugins/MrTS_LimitedInventory.js:207)
at Game_Actor.tradeItemWithParty (rpg_objects.js:3635)
at Game_Actor.changeEquip (rpg_objects.js:3618)
at Game_Actor.changeEquip

This error still occurs even without any other plugins.

Overall still a pretty great plugin though.


hello im french and i have a bug. if i play with the plugin in a ancient version of my game i c'ant take any items an the menu show 10/NAN have you a solution ?


Is there any way to discard the item to free up space? For example, clicking the item opens the option to use or discard, or even within the inventory itself. I'm looking for a plugin that allows this, but I can not find it . Thanks


Staff member
hello im french and i have a bug. if i play with the plugin in a ancient version of my game i c'ant take any items an the menu show 10/NAN have you a solution ?
Is there any way to discard the item to free up space? For example, clicking the item opens the option to use or discard, or even within the inventory itself. I'm looking for a plugin that allows this, but I can not find it . Thanks
Giving you a heads up that Mr. Trivel has not been seen around here for over six months.