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Light Rays Overlays 2016-05-31

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Praised Adventurer
Sinnistar submitted a new resource:

Light Rays Overlays - A double set of light rays fitting for both daylight and night. 4 different variations of each.

I made these awhile back for Tales of the Lumminai, but meant to share them at the same time. Making these is extremely easy and if you guys would like a simple tutorial on how to do it I can share that too. But if you like how these already are, feel free to use them in commercial and non-commercial projects!

(I know there are games that have the sun rays, but what about moon rays? There's moon light during the night too so I created a whole set for the night too with a nice light blue...
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Praised Adventurer
Many thanks for this, completely unexpected, resource; I've found immediate use for rendering my sunny Village even more attractive with Shimmering Sunshine. The overlay is applied, then shifted gently from side to side, removing opacity at the same time. It then returns to original opacity, and loops. A nice, gentle shimmer ensues. Here's a screen shot of the event used, tucked away in the upper-left corner...

... and a screen shot of the effect (no, of course you can't see the movement, you fool; it's a screen shot..!)...

I'm sure I'll find similar use for the moonlight, too. Credits added to the 'Credits' screen, naturally (but one has to complete the game to see them..!). This effect will feature in the next Rachdale Cheese Demo update, coming shortly (maybe tomorrow..?).
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Praised Adventurer
xD Well thanks for the credits on it! I actually thought that it could be used for a shimmering effect myself but wasn't quite sure how to make that happen heh. So in return it seems you too have helped me by sharing that screenshot heh. I'm glad you found use for it! They are easy to make (should you need any other things like this) I can make several variations and directions. I currently have this set so that it can depict morning (sunrise corner ray) midday (full effect rays) evening (full effect blue rays or just the larger yellows) and night (blue ray corner for moonlight). Or at least, that's how I picture it heh (haven't actually tested how it looks lol).

I look forward to seeing that in your next demo xP I will play through it heh. (A side note, you've got my name slightly misspelled there if that's how it's used in the credits xP, not that it matters much heh but yeah might confuse some!) Thanks again though!


Praised Adventurer
Mea culpa; corrected, of course. Senior moment..? There'll be others, have no doubt..! (blush)
lol nice to know! I forget spelling myself pretty often. Most recent one was Galouran in my TOTL game, spelled it as Galoran heh x.x I am not good with names. So my editor had to fix like 27 different mentions of Galouran bad