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Let's make a game! Anyone welcome!


So I previously posted that I want to make a game, but it's too big. And after watching extra credits I realized that I should start small to gain experience. So my proposition is, if anyone wants to just make games for experience sake please reply. I don't have a story to work on, but I'd like for anyone interested to pitch in and let's start making a 30 min runtime game. A quick little game to better understand both the program and structure of making a video game. So just list your skills below and we'll start from there.

My skills:
Storytelling: I'm a storyteller in the sense that I can tell you a great story with world building, overarching stories, and character development. But that only works for a set story. A game however has the many what-ifs a player may encounter, and for that I cannot account for. So as a writer I'm good, but for a game writer I'm a complete noob.

Art: I do draw. I have good anatomy skills, and a okay sense of design. I just can't color digitally.

Animation: I have basic skills in animation. Meaning I can do pose to pose and CG modeling, but i'ts not perfect.

Coding: Basic C++, HTML, and Java (not javascript) So I can probably read a code, but I'm not that good, and it's mostly just the basics, like for loops and if else branches.

Sprites: I only use the generator as a starting base. I find the girls too bulky sometimes so I make them skinnier. But I can make sprites.

Music: I know only the basics of music theory.


I did see your other post and it did seem a bit big (but I didn't want to discorage you) and there is certainly nothing wrong with thinking big!

(For example; the amount of conditional branchs you would need for 20 datable characters would be a huge undertaking, and you might get a bit board with it half way through and as a result the quality of the writing might drop or you just end up repeating your self.)

Since you say you are a writer. I would suggest you play around a little with RPG Maker first and see what the limitations are and get use to using labels and loops self switches in dialog. (In your last post you said you have not spent much time on RPG Maker)

My advice would be; find a story that you like, for example: Rapunzel, Hansel and Gretel, Rumplestiltskin, Snow White, Wizard Of Oz etc. etc.
(They are great little story's with small casts and have no copy right on them)
Maybe try and make a little 30min adventure fairy-tale around one of them :)

It will be good practice for you and it might give you a better idea about what to make afterwards.

Any way good luck to you with what ever you decide to do :)
I'm in the process of making a huge game but I'd love to hone my overall skills and make friends as I gradually complete my big game over the next two years. I'd be happy to help with other peoples' games in writing and eventing although, I'm not that skilled. If you don't mind me being relatively new, you're welcome to count me in and message me.
Anyway, good luck.


Towns Guard
I have a plot and arch so I need some tile sets and character's events
I do music though... ahh yes I do colored text and horizontal scrolling also day night transitions


I'm in the process of making a huge game but I'd love to hone my overall skills and make friends as I gradually complete my big game over the next two years. I'd be happy to help with other peoples' games in writing and eventing although, I'm not that skilled. If you don't mind me being relatively new, you're welcome to count me in and message me.
Anyway, good luck.
Hoping its not too late. Ive been busy with school. But if youre still willing to help, id love to work together. So far i have a blank slate and am open to any suggestions.


I have a plot and arch so I need some tile sets and character's events
I do music though... ahh yes I do colored text and horizontal scrolling also day night transitions
Id love to hear what your story is about. But id also like to work with everyone together on this. But if youre still willing, lets work on this together.