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Let's make a community RPG of and for

Do you think this is a good idea, would play it or/and collaborate and contribute

  • Let's do it!

    Votes: 11 91.7%
  • Umm, I don't think so...

    Votes: 1 8.3%

  • Total voters


Towns Guard
A community RPG, meaning, the characters within the game will be us the members of this forums
Reasons for this, it's to strengthen rapport among us all, two, it gives us a platform where we could work and learn together as a side-project, or maybe even a main project for some of you, to boost creative juice in our other main project while honing our game-making skills. Three, to promote RPG Maker softwares espcially MV, and fourth, to promote this website.

Do you think it's a good idea to have at least one community RPG for this forums?

Would you play it?

Would you collaborate and contribute in this project?

Let's make this project in MV. I won't be able to design and develop this project in an RPG Maker as I don't have an MV, or XP,2K, 2K3 and I lost my Ace(the email and serial key to it). Plus, my notebook is very low spec and in the brink of function failure. Aha. And I also won't and don't want to be the director and main designer of this project. BUT! I could be one of the main writers, or assistant writers. I'd be really happy to assist with the writing in this game.

If you think this is a good idea, would play it or/and collaborate and contribute, post some suggestions, ideas, brainstorms to kickstart the creative vibes on this project. I'm a writer, and I'll update this OP with some lengthy writings on the game later. About my suggestions of course. You know, just to persuade and convince you all to collaborate, aha.


- Zack
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the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
Well hot damn. This sounds like a very interesting idea and quite a promising one if it does get into the works. If it does go into the works then I call dibs on being the villain of this!

The Dark Lord Cnal rose from the cavernous pits and unleashed his terrible and horrific power on the poor unsuspecting townsfolk of Klaret. The town burned, the townsfolk screamed, and the ancient lord laughed, his minions rising from the pits behind him. Terrifying and horrendous beasts of long forgotten times.


I've seen countless community RPG Maker projects, none of them finished.

A lot of the problem is the pass-along system losing track of who the current owner is and the project falls apart due to lack of a project manager. Things like story are nigh impossible to keep going and everyone introduces their own characters only to have them vanish for the next part of the story.

I think a better approach would be an open-source style project, where the game files are publicly hosted and tracked via something like git, then people can add to the game and the request a pull to the main branch, where the project manager reviews the changes, manages the conflicts and then merges the projects.

The general story and list of things to do can be tracked on the project readme as well, so people pick and choose what section to build, rather than linearly build personal sections without any kind of direction.

With a source management system, the design doc, code, story can all be contributed to by the community, so you wouldn't have a single writer, you'd have everyone pitch in and try to morph the story into something good, with the project manager accepting or rejecting the changes.

I'm not sure what the vote at the top should be. I think it's a good idea, but I don't think it will work unless you get a ruthless project manager to build the frame-work and get as many people as possible to contribute into it.

Another thing to consider is the type of game being made. A story based game is quite the undertaking, it may be better to use MV to make a rogue-like dungeon crawler. The general gameplay needs to be figured out too. For a community produced game, I'd say it would be best to make it an HTML5 deployed title with an online component so the sense of community survives into the project, that would keep interest high in its development - this is my personal ideal and there's a lot of gameplay points to be figured out around this before the game is even started on.

TLDR; community produced games are always a nice idea, but I've yet to see one succeed mostly due to lack of a dedicated project manager.

EDIT: If there's a lot of interest in this across communities, I may even be interested in being that project manager with the project being developed under my game studio's label, but I would insist on it using git for management and having an online component (and I'd contribute towards that endeavour). It would not be an exclusive game, I'd want other communities to contribute.
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Towns Guard
@Cnal We'll see. =)
@Xilefian Agreed with everything that you said, figured it out that way too. This will be done like RMWeb's Arum universe projects, an open-source RPG series. Gimme 1-3 weeks to write down the fundamental lores, themes and general plots of this series and in the process I'm open for suggestions.


Another angle to go with, which would be way easier, is to do a sort of demo-scene style game with mini chapters each telling a different story, even returning to a previous story or connecting to one. This lets the story burden dangle and then it becomes "anything goes".

I remember watching an 18+ anime that was semi psychological-horror, it had a general story, but different episodes would re-write how things happened in a previous episode and follow a different timeline. That could be a good way to do modular game chapters.

Realistically, if you want a project like this to start then you should be able to contribute sections of it in less than a day. If you're spending a few weeks on story, then that's a dependency drag that's going to make the project expire early. I am not exaggerating when I say you should have a story written in a few hours. Things like lore can be derived during development, but to get things kick started you should start with the actual goals of the project (what kind of game it should be) and then a very rough, short story that gives initial direction (and can then be expanded upon).


Towns Guard
@Xilefian That's a good way to do it. Unfortunately I'm not always good at impromptu response especially those that concerns my creative faculty, aha. What I intend to now is that...well I could say, I don't really wanna focus too much on this project? At the moment I just want to write some lengthy 80-100+ pages worth of info on this project, slap it onto this forums and observe the ensuing response. If there's a project manager or two willing to helm this project, and there's sufficient acceptance by the forums community, then only I think it would be wise to go along with this project. Otherwise, the docs that I'm about to post will only be for public view and I'd let anyone use it in anyway they want, aha. So yes, I guess, stay tuned? Even tho I've been 10-12 years out of practise of heavily writing fictions, I'm pretty confident I'd be able to attract at least a few RM-ers.


A big, big thing to avoid with community led projects is getting the community to make your game idea. You don't want to lock down everything and say "community monkeys, fly my pretties and make my story into a game!". Everything critical to the project should start of as a single page and then the community contributes to that. The very best game stories can be written on one single page, if more detail is needed then it can be expanded upon later on.

Consider a game design document, usually the "plot" section (which gives an overview of the events that the player are involved with in the game) is less than a page in size. You get area information, expanded story details later on as things are figured out and refined, but the first thing you should show everyone is the story that the player experiences (no lore, no world details, no character details, definitely no dialogue).

I suppose what I'm describing here is that you should be making a publicly view-able and editable design document, not writing an 80-100+ page short-story. After-all, every game starts of with a design document of what the game should be, they never start with a script (games are different to movies - which do start with a script).

I just checked a design document for a game that I worked on a few years ago, it's about 9 pages with 1 page for story overview and the rest of it describing game-play design, target audience, planned route to market and description of a few technical problems to be solved. I remember when we first started on this document it was 3 pages, with half a page being story overview, and it was refined into describing what it was we were trying to produce (ended up slightly differently to the end product, but it still described the direction of the game).

If you want an example of a design document, then check out the original Grand Theft Auto's


Global Moderator
I personally really like the general idea of a community project- but at the same time, having so many people work on it might be a bit...complicated. My only real skill is writing (I'm learning to pixel slowly on my own, but only so much). In general though, having different writers with different styles can either help or hinder this kind of project, I think- because making sure it all fits the same general theme/genre can be hard. Though, on the other hand, doing it in an episodic fashion, we could make it so that it varies from one chapter to another somehow...But it might confuse players to do that. Plus, bringing all of it together to make sense is important for any game. However, outside my concerns, I'm also really curious about the idea.


Towns Guard
@Xilefian Hey thanks for the link to a GDD, I shall check it out. And thanks for your advice too. Hmm I suppose I should at least lechu and others know what exactly I'm doing about this proposal at the moment. I'm writing the lore, scripts for cutscenes, game mechanics, weapons, magic, skills, items, location and summary. I'm 5 pages in.
@Juneberry Thanks. Well, if you must know..
I am not one of the primary protagonists in the game, that's for sure. And the universe where this game takes place, note that this is the first game that takes place in this universe, is named as "Um", figured cause it should be somewhat similiar to the word "MV", not final though. The title of the game is "My Princess in Shining Armour" (it's only coincident that the title is identical to the stories "my princess in shining armor" posted on Wattpad, I wasn't aware that it has already been adopted when I coined it). I'll lechu and others guess and speculate on its story, aha. There'll be a lot of cliches tho, like, love triangle, the rival is always cooler than the hero, the hero's village burnt down and sets off on a journey, identity crisis, etc but I hope to have 'em done impressively.
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Towns Guard
View attachment 4564 Will MV-tan be one of our heroes? I mean she's our mascot
Crap, that didn't cross my mind, and I didn't notice we actually have a mascot, I mean I saw it but - anyway. I guess for now, for Princess in Shining Armour(title may change), she wouldn't be in it, or maybe her image could be the image of the primary female protagonist of the game? This came suddenly, I should've been more observant, aha, so I haven't included her. But yes, I should. If she's not in this one, she should be in another, prolly through some project made by others in this open-source world. Currently I'm having writer's block. Been so since my post at #9 last night, sigh. Twas so fun coming up with some of the fundamental lores, writing the skills and items descriptions, locations, cutscenes for about 5 pages then bam I'm stuck. Plus, wifi's down and my mobile hotspot is like super slow so I am not at liberate to google inspiration. I have some epic fantasy novels tho, and a few academics, maybe I should get to them. Well then, while I'm stuck, should I talk a lil about what I've got so far?? Maybe that'll help to stimulate discussion on this thread and, well, help me get inspired.


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
Crap, that didn't cross my mind, and I didn't notice we actually have a mascot, I mean I saw it but - anyway. I guess for now, for Princess in Shining Armour(title may change), she wouldn't be in it, or maybe her image could be the image of the primary female protagonist of the game? This came suddenly, I should've been more observant, aha, so I haven't included her. But yes, I should. If she's not in this one, she should be in another, prolly through some project made by others in this open-source world. Currently I'm having writer's block. Been so since my post at #9 last night, sigh. Twas so fun coming up with some of the fundamental lores, writing the skills and items descriptions, locations, cutscenes for about 5 pages then bam I'm stuck. Plus, wifi's down and my mobile hotspot is like super slow so I am not at liberate to google inspiration. I have some epic fantasy novels tho, and a few academics, maybe I should get to them. Well then, while I'm stuck, should I talk a lil about what I've got so far?? Maybe that'll help to stimulate discussion on this thread and, well, help me get inspired.
Despite not posting more on this topic, I am still interested in hearing more about this. Go ahead and talk about what you have so far and then let us fight like the noble discussionaire's(Totally did not make that up. No sir.) we are.

She, the mascot, could possibly be the NPC Guide or someone like that?


Towns Guard
Despite not posting more on this topic, I am still interested in hearing more about this. Go ahead and talk about what you have so far and then let us fight like the noble discussionaire's(Totally did not make that up. No sir.) we are.

She, the mascot, could possibly be the NPC Guide or someone like that?
Sorry, hotspot was acting up and then our village blackedout. So went to help brother make the dinner for a bit.

Hmm, alright then.


Like I said, we'll be characters in the game, but some of us aren't, some of us will show up on other installments, but some are, like me for example, but I won't be a primary prota. I've also planned that many of us will be their own installment's main prota, like @Lore and @Dad3353 would have their own game in Um. Some of the characters in Princess, who aren't the main prota, will be the main prota in others, you know, to explore more of them.

Ok, about Princess. There are two primary protagonists - Noelleon, a guy, and Hannah, a gal. I purposedly select names that, as far as my knowledge goes, aren't identical to any of the users' usernames in this forums, you know, cus I don't want the I-shouldve-been-the-hero shit. Just for this first game. Also, I chose these names cus low cap of N and H are in a way similiar, just to stress the fate and destiny of friendship and romance between these two. And two, I like palindrome, aha.

Princess in Shining Armour is about a princess of an ancient kingdom specialised in the purest form of magic who at the opening cutscene found a journal left by her recently deceased best friend. The game unfolds as Hannah read Noelleon's diary(or journal?) that he named as "My Princess in Shining Armour in which Noelleon wrote the meaningful events, experiences and journey that he went through with Hannah. In the game, we'll play out the content of that said diary.

Noelleon and Hannah are childhood friends living in an actively agricultural village named Amare. Noel loves Hannah dearly and Hannah doesn't know. And doesn't notice. But Hannah loves Qazalt. Qazalt is a homosexual man, very handsome, and secretly harbours romantic affection towards Noelleon. Ya, this is the love triangle that I talked about, aha.

Noelleon and Qazalt have been rivals since they were lil kids. While Noelleon is widely known for being an untalented person in all things, yet he is very hardworking. He only managed to beat Qazalt once in a duel while Qazalt has beaten him more than a thousand times. Qazalt is an exceptionally powerful swordsman, a warrior prodigy, who is the youngest person to become a General in Azuria (the nation their village is in) army, achieving the feat at the tender age of 25. Qazalt's would be able to compare him to FF7's Sephiroth and Naruto's Uchiha Itachi.

Hannah has always wanted to be a princess and always acted brave and tough. She is very adventurous, and always do things with Noelleon and sometimes with Qazalt coming along too. When tragedy struck their village, she is revealed to be a princess of the throne of an ancient kingdom of ancient magic which was presumed to be annihilated centuries ago.

Brb, gonna make some coffee. While waiting, feel free to give me your thoughts on what I've told so far. I'll tell about's members that are in Princess in abit later, aha. Brb


My thoughts are this isn't a community collaborated game. You've fallen into traditional roles and have assigned yourself the scenario writer.

I'm not sure you'll be able to get the community to make your game for you.


Towns Guard
Hi Xile. It should be one, a community collaborated game. Princess is a suggestion, just like this proposal of making a community RPG. As I said that I wanna be one of the writers, I've also open this proposal for ideas from's members. And although I wanna lay some fundamentals "rules" or "guidelines" so that uncivilised my-ideas-are-better-my-ideas-should-be-included-and-used chaotic crescendo can be avoided, my take on this community RPG's world are not final but serve as something to stimulate ideas for this project with. Yes, I wanna be a scenario writer for this project, but I don't wanna be THE scenario writer. Like miss June implied, different writing styles can lead to ugly inconsistencies, and so what I'm doing is to paint the best general picture of this open-source series and collaboratively persuade others to adopt said picture, BUT, like I said, it's not final. I want us all to come together to decide something best and better. And so, I'll gradually post some bits of info from what I've got so far to you know start a spark.

@Cnal Mate, agreed. The mascot should be someone very skilled and reputable in Um.
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the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
This is now edited.

I read through everything here quite fast because I'm tired as hell and I hope I will not step on land mines that make ya'll go explosive.

Despite how cool it would be for a community project to be entirely open-source with a ruthless project manager determining what will be accepted and what won't be. I'm afraid in my opinion that won't work really well. Imo, a ruthless project manager would eventually get on my nerves despite how helpful they would be to the actual project, but it is true. A project manager would be fine, sure, but I wouldn't hire a ruthless one.

I did have a short session of thinking a team for a project like this and it shall be here.
Finding the first team members for this project might be troublesome. But, what I would like for it is having a project manager. That could be the first person who starts the eventual project, raises it from the ground.

Now, this project manager should start up a couple of main threads on the forums. Examples; Plot Development; Recruitment thread; Characters; and even more. Starting with the plot development thread I really do think that the project manager at least should have the starting plot ready. Let it be unoriginal, or fucking cliché, but it doesn't matter. This community has hundreds of inhabitants that could advance the plot further. It might go crazy, but we don't have to accept everything from there, do we? No! No we don't.

The recruitment thread; Now for this one. I really think the manager should recruit the main, or the leading developers. The lead coder. The lead writer. The lead designer. The lead mapper, and so on. Now, considering this is... somewhat a community-based game with just a couple of people who are the leading developers for this game. What I thought is that we could perhaps have a third recruitment thread? And this is why. This third one could recruit... the less skilled ones I suppose? No offense intended with that. But what I mean is that the less skilled ones could progress their skills further by working in a team and perhaps the leads of their section could give tasks, or something to them. They finish the task, present it to the lead and the lead can then look it over, and give tips, advice, and so on how to better their work. (I do think something like a mentor/apprenticeship could work wonders in a community-based project.)

Characters; This thread could eventually be just a main thread for character suggestions where us, the community can suggest characters for the game. These can be denied, of course. But, I think it might be slightly better not to deny everything outright. I don't have a lot of ideas for the character thread. :o

Eventual Chat; The project manager should also look for a chatting software. This should be private and only for the guys who are working on the project. It should, I think, also have sub-sections in the chat for scripters, mappers, writers, so the general discussion wouldn't get filled with everything. And there should be something of an Accept/Deny section where they can discuss if they should implement this idea that someone posted on the forums. By discuss, I do mean a legitimate discussion with possible arguments on why it should be added? Why not? What does this add to the game?

Ran out of ideas for more threads currently. :c

The community is free to contribute ideas, monsters, items, and the like for the game. But they should also expect a response that will tell them that their idea was denied. They shouldn't be heart-broken about it. Brainstorm another idea and present it to the group.

This is a really rough, and basic draft of a team that I came up with. I do think that a open-source project would be too crazy for a fairly-sized community. That's a personal opinion too because I've never been much of a fan with open-source based things.


I do like what you've written so far with it, but I do think that some people might not like it so much. I'm slightly confused by one thing you have there. She reads through his journal, the experiences, the journey, but then we play that journey, events and experience that we just read? Is it like a flash-back or something? Or am I being stupid currently and did not just understand what you meant.

That is one weird love triangle.

I feel that Noelleon and Qazalt are too different. I know they have a rivalry and all but... I mean, Noelleon is untalented in all things, basically everything, but he's hardworking for some reason.

Yet Qazalt is a powerful swordsman, a prodigy, and the youngest person to become a GENERAL of a NATION! I don't know much about Naruto or FF7, but that is the most messed up, and unfairest rivalry I've ever seen. Come on, we're talking about a untalented Noelleon and take another look at his rival.

I do think that the princess, Hannah, shouldn't be brave, tough, and adventurous all at once. Something, or two should be removed. I'm not really sure why, but I just don't think a princess should be all that. Adventurous, and brave maybe.

I also would just erase Qazalt and throw him in the trash bin. Or at least remove some of them. Why is he a general? How did he become a general? Why did he study to become a powerful swordsman? He shouldn't be all that.
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Towns Guard
This is now edited.

I read through everything here quite fast because I'm tired as hell and I hope I will not step on land mines that make ya'll go explosive.

Despite how cool it would be for a community project to be entirely open-source with a ruthless project manager determining what will be accepted and what won't be. I'm afraid in my opinion that won't work really well. Imo, a ruthless project manager would eventually get on my nerves despite how helpful they would be to the actual project, but it is true. A project manager would be fine, sure, but I wouldn't hire a ruthless one.

I did have a short session of thinking a team for a project like this and it shall be here.
Finding the first team members for this project might be troublesome. But, what I would like for it is having a project manager. That could be the first person who starts the eventual project, raises it from the ground.

Now, this project manager should start up a couple of main threads on the forums. Examples; Plot Development; Recruitment thread; Characters; and even more. Starting with the plot development thread I really do think that the project manager at least should have the starting plot ready. Let it be unoriginal, or fucking cliché, but it doesn't matter. This community has hundreds of inhabitants that could advance the plot further. It might go crazy, but we don't have to accept everything from there, do we? No! No we don't.

The recruitment thread; Now for this one. I really think the manager should recruit the main, or the leading developers. The lead coder. The lead writer. The lead designer. The lead mapper, and so on. Now, considering this is... somewhat a community-based game with just a couple of people who are the leading developers for this game. What I thought is that we could perhaps have a third recruitment thread? And this is why. This third one could recruit... the less skilled ones I suppose? No offense intended with that. But what I mean is that the less skilled ones could progress their skills further by working in a team and perhaps the leads of their section could give tasks, or something to them. They finish the task, present it to the lead and the lead can then look it over, and give tips, advice, and so on how to better their work. (I do think something like a mentor/apprenticeship could work wonders in a community-based project.)

Characters; This thread could eventually be just a main thread for character suggestions where us, the community can suggest characters for the game. These can be denied, of course. But, I think it might be slightly better not to deny everything outright. I don't have a lot of ideas for the character thread. :o

Eventual Chat; The project manager should also look for a chatting software. This should be private and only for the guys who are working on the project. It should, I think, also have sub-sections in the chat for scripters, mappers, writers, so the general discussion wouldn't get filled with everything. And there should be something of an Accept/Deny section where they can discuss if they should implement this idea that someone posted on the forums. By discuss, I do mean a legitimate discussion with possible arguments on why it should be added? Why not? What does this add to the game?

Ran out of ideas for more threads currently. :c

The community is free to contribute ideas, monsters, items, and the like for the game. But they should also expect a response that will tell them that their idea was denied. They shouldn't be heart-broken about it. Brainstorm another idea and present it to the group.

This is a really rough, and basic draft of a team that I came up with. I do think that a open-source project would be too crazy for a fairly-sized community. That's a personal opinion too because I've never been much of a fan with open-source based things.


I do like what you've written so far with it, but I do think that some people might not like it so much. I'm slightly confused by one thing you have there. She reads through his journal, the experiences, the journey, but then we play that journey, events and experience that we just read? Is it like a flash-back or something? Or am I being stupid currently and did not just understand what you meant.

That is one weird love triangle.

I feel that Noelleon and Qazalt are too different. I know they have a rivalry and all but... I mean, Noelleon is untalented in all things, basically everything, but he's hardworking for some reason.

Yet Qazalt is a powerful swordsman, a prodigy, and the youngest person to become a GENERAL of a NATION! I don't know much about Naruto or FF7, but that is the most messed up, and unfairest rivalry I've ever seen. Come on, we're talking about a untalented Noelleon and take another look at his rival.

I do think that the princess, Hannah, shouldn't be brave, tough, and adventurous all at once. Something, or two should be removed. I'm not really sure why, but I just don't think a princess should be all that. Adventurous, and brave maybe.

I also would just erase Qazalt and throw him in the trash bin. Or at least remove some of them. Why is he a general? How did he become a general? Why did he study to become a powerful swordsman? He shouldn't be all that.

Agreed to what you put in the spoiler.

I do like what you've written so far with it, but I do think that some people might not like it so much. I'm slightly confused by one thing you have there. She reads through his journal, the experiences, the journey, but then we play that journey, events and experience that we just read? Is it like a flash-back or something? Or am I being stupid currently and did not just understand what you meant.

She reads, and as she does, the process of the reading become the playing out of the content, a form of flashback. Instead of super long composition being thrown at you on the screen, the story-telling becomes us playing out the weaving.

That is one weird love triangle.

Indeed. I’m not a homo or bi, I’m straight, and, no offense to LGBT’s, I’m not inclined to support LGBT-ness, but still, I think it’s interesting to have a love triangle this way, I wanna explore and see what kind of scenes, conversations and philosophical nuances and musings I could come up with, aha. Qazalt really admires Noelleon for being a gutsy person. Noelleon saved Qazalt’s life twice, hurt his pride by beating him once in a duel and these all led Qazalt to somewhat develop a romantic affection towards him. It’s my first time writing stuff like this, so, any gay, bi or les fellas here feel free to guide me, aha.

I feel that Noelleon and Qazalt are too different. I know they have a rivalry and all but... I mean, Noelleon is untalented in all things, basically everything, but he's hardworking for some reason.

Yet Qazalt is a powerful swordsman, a prodigy, and the youngest person to become a GENERAL of a NATION! I don't know much about Naruto or FF7, but that is the most messed up, and unfairest rivalry I've ever seen. Come on, we're talking about a untalented Noelleon and take another look at his rival.

From a perspective from someone who doesn’t know much of Naruto or anything like that, it does seem a very unfair rivalry. Google is your friend. But me too, so I’ll explain. Basically, in Naruto, Naruto is so untalented in being a shinobi, while Sasuke aces everything. But in the end, both them go toe-to-toe with each other and reach the same level of greatness. I’m not going to talk further on Naruto, but the main difference between Noelleon and Qazalt is, Qazalt is ambitious, while Noelleon is not. Even tho Qazalt beaten Noellon in duels a thousand-to-one, I’ve never said Noelleon never lost a narrow defeat to Qazalt. At this point, I could say that Noelleon is also qualified enough to be a General, because no matter how talented Qazalt is and how far he had gone in combat, Noelleon always managed to catch up with him through extreme hardwork and determination. But while Qazalt chooses to leave the village to sign up with the army, Noelleon chooses to stay because he wants to protect the village, keep on doing agricultural stuffs that he loves and, mostly, stay close to Hannah. Qazalt serves as the big-brother rival-in-arm friend-in-need picture to Noelleon in the story. At some point in Princess, Qazalt’s ambition of being the greatest warrior ever will stand in the way of his kindness and bonds with Noelleon and Hannah. He’ll make a sacrifice for the world tho, just like Noelleon will. At the moment of writing this, I’m not sure how else to put it and what else to cover even tho I do have a lot left to cover aha but I guess just wait for the cutscenes scripts, you’ll get it, aha.

I do think that the princess, Hannah, shouldn't be brave, tough, and adventurous all at once. Something, or two should be removed. I'm not really sure why, but I just don't think a princess should be all that. Adventurous, and brave maybe.

I’m not sure how to put it at the moment but basically I wanna make Hannah have the characteristics of FF7’s Aerith, FF8’ Rinoa, and FF9’s Garnet combined, aha, maybe not all of the traits but tleast some of them.

I also would just erase Qazalt and throw him in the trash bin. Or at least remove some of them. Why is he a general? How did he become a general? Why did he study to become a powerful swordsman? He shouldn't be all that.

At this point I wouldn’t, aha, tho it’s mainly up to the community. VOTE ON! You’ll know more of him once the cutscenes are up. I had fun writing his character. He’ll be in Princess’ sequel.


Combat style of choice: One-handed sword

Signature skills:

- Slay (A powerful sword attack that is equal to three times of his normal physical attack.)

- Exterminate (A very powerful sword attack which can only be used right after Slay has been used)

- Annihilate (An extremely powerful sword attack which can only be used right after Exterminate has been used)

- Obliterate (Qazalt’s most powerful sword attack which can only used right after Annihilate has been used)


Combat style of choice: Elementalism,Witchcraft and Wizardry, and Runebattle

Signature skill:

Ezoria (A powerful mythical magical strike that ignores Magic Defense. Ezoria draws from the purest form of elemental force. When using this attack, select which element to draw from.)


Combat style of choice: Barehanded and One-handed sword

Signature skills:
Sword of a Hundred Zeals
Fist of a Hundred Zeals
Kick of a Hundred Zeals


A lil bio: Strongest of the 5 Azuria Generals. Was the youngest person to ever become a General in Azuria, achieving it at the age of 26, but the record was broken by Qazalt. He was born in a poor family but lived happily in a village full of lush and beautiful nature and adorable and strong animals. He wanted to be a powerful virtuous fighter but although his family couldn't afford to send him to study in the Azuria Warriors' Academy, Xyphien, due to the lack of money to buy some practise weapon, invented his own barehanded fighting style by observing and learning from the plants and animals around him. He trained since the age of 3 until he reached 20 which was when he met Sage, who's a prodigious reputable and examplary all-rounder graduate of Azuria Warriors' Academy. Xyphien was the first one Sage couldn't beat in a duel besides Sage's father, grandfather and the principal of Azuria Warriors' Academy. He’ll be one of the primary protagonists in Princess’ sequel.

Combat style of choice: Barehanded

Signature skills:

- Sway of the Grasses
- Unbreakable Rock
- Coconut Might
- Monkey Jumps monkey strikes
- Soaring Eagle
- Sting of the bee, and float of the butterfly
- Lion's Roar
- Crouching Tiger
- Rush of the Elephant
- Tortoise's Withdrawal
- Dance of the Majestic Dragon


A lil bio: Born in a noble family, he was the pride and jewel of his family, excelling in everything. Turned down to be one of the King’s Advisors, he went on to be a General in Azuria army. He always had his ways until the day Xyphien put dirts in his face. Ever since he was beaten by Xyphien in a duel, he became a slightly humbler person and was now willing to “listen what others had to say”. Will be one of the primary protagonists in Princess’ sequel, “Battling My Beloved”.
Combat style of choice: One handed sword and barehanded
Signature skills:
- Dash and Slash
-Bash and Gash
- Thrash and Mash
- Crash and Ash

A lil bio: One of the highly skilled assassins sent to kill Hannah. He later a change of heart tho, aha.
Signature skill:
- Supersonic Slice and Dice (A single-target series of fast attacks that stun the foe. Damage is doubled if Lore’s HP is less than 25%)


A lil Bio: A swordsman who is the weakest among Douglas(Dad3353)' 7 disciples. He was one of the people sent by Zorland, the King of Agapi, who possesses the secrets to the ancient purest form of magic, to find his lost daughter (Hannah).
Combat style of choice: Two-handed sword
- Signature skill: Pawn Sacrifice

More members comingHmm wait, I should write some of the lore I jotted down in my notebooks.
This is chaotic, shud type and put the notes into a pdf properly in properly ordered form.
But I think it’s time for breakfast, aha.

Yes… I know I have serious problem with my English grammar, and yea I prolly shudn’t be a writer for this project, aha. All I could do now is just…throwing around some ideas. Oh ya, been thinking since last night.. I’m pondering whether I shud continue writing on this project, cus you know, I’ve just only recently joined this forums, barely acquainted with only a few, AND ALREADY trying to make a game about all and represent all, aha. I’m not sure if I wanna carry on.

Here’s a battle bgm I thought and made up for Princess. I just sang it and recorded on my phone cus I lack the ability to read and write musical notation. Feel free to actually make it in a music program, no fees royalty or shit, just credit me, that’s enough, aha.

Okay, breakfast. Still having a flu, zzzzz.


Couldn't upload BGM cus of network issue, will do later.
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To clarify, when I said "get a ruthless project manager to build the frame-work and get as many people as possible to contribute into it" what I meant was a project manager who would accept all content that keeps the project healthy, rather than do any kind of recruitment, and content that threatens the project health be presented to the community so a community discussion can direct the content and it can be resubmitted or dropped as part of the project scope.

The goal should be a good saturation of community contributions, that requires good management to achieve.

I'm still interested in the idea of a community project, but I'm going to give this particular proposal a miss. Best of luck with the project.


Towns Guard
Thank you to everyone who voted, thank you to everyone who posted in this topic. Unfortunately, not that it may be unfortunate for you, I have decided to abandon community RPG and being one of its writers. I can't see myself with operational communicatability with foreseeable group members of this ought-to-be community-driven project as I no longer possess stable net speed and capable workstation, one, and two, I feel that I'm more comfortable steering the flow and progress of my ideas single-handedly without intervening suggestions that most prolly would hinder me from effectively contriving on game-making. For now. Oh yes, there's already where you could continue hereon with this community RPG project that I suggested. I hope to see one someday, from you all. I prolly would venture into doing community RPG project again, but in the foreseeable future, I think it's best I make what I really wanna make. About "My Princess of Shining Armour", while community RPG have I abandoned, I'm still going to work on it. Yes, I will continue developing My Princess in Shining Armour, but, a few changes I could say for now, the title will change, or to be more precise, have been changed and the spelling of Qazalt's name have been changed to Kazalt and he won't be a homosexual swordsmaster any longer. I will post about MPISA(title have changed) by making a thread in Project Develpment later. Thanks, and good luck and all the best in gaming and game making. Good evening!