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Learn To Code In JS With A Game

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I stumbled upon this awsome site that teaches you how to code(script) by playing a game. There is a few different languages you can use and Javascript is one of them. This is by far the best way I have seen yet to learn to program in a language. It starts with basic syntax and gradually gets more advanced.
Enjoy !
Code Combat
Code Combat.png
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LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
This game is so fun, I'm level 13 already been playing for at least an hour now lol. I highly recommend this to anyone even the gurus because even if you don't learn anything at least you will have fun playing it.


So far impressions: I thought it would teach how to code, but it seems like it's just about building a macro to beat the level. I'm already pretty good at macros. Original game though, I'll keep going and see what happens.


sweet game i made my character list out what properties are in "this" using Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this)
there are 276. neat... you can check the 'achievements' screen to see what subjects the game covers. it covers a good bit. i'm not sure if the four worlds that are free span all the topics but i like it anyhow. it's great for teaching proper syntax at the least. hovering over acquired skills on the hud show examples of code that can advance you quickly. the help button also helps go figure. thanks for the post LTN Games


Staff member
Resource Team
It's a really cool, and great way to learn some basic scripting. However, it loads really slow, and about 30% of the time the level background won't load at all, so I'm going in blind. Other than that I really like this! Thanks for the share LTN!


Global Moderator
Staff member
Resource Team
Wow how cool. Thanks for sharing. Does seem to run a little slow for me also.
Nice tool for those learning to code/script for sure though. (cool)(thumbsup)

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
You won't learn all that you can but you will definitely get the hang of the syntax and one of the best ways to learn that is to continuously script, even if it's just for 30minutes a day. I been learning JS off and on for a few months now and I found the best way to learn more advanced things is to experiment. Good luck!