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Le Renard [The Fox]: [In Dev]


map 2.png

= Plot =

25 years ago, the noble king of Caecenia was usurped by a rebel force within his own land. The chief usurpers, named the Seven, have broken up the kingdom. Their regions are named for the color of their banners.

Life since then has been chiefly peaceful. This peace, however, is an oppressive one. The people of the land suffer under heavy taxation in order to finance the Seven's lavish tournaments, their way of deciding domestic and geographic squabbles. Only the best knights under the employ of each of the Seven are allowed to participate to further their region's advancement.

Kari of The Red would have been one such knight. Loyal to her region of The Red yet disgruntled with her relegation to fetch quests, she longs to become a tournament knight. But it seems it will never happen.

That is, until she and her friend, Natch, are forced out of their hometown by the Red's knights,
who are searching for twin heroes of fire and ice...

Three in twain regard
Divided is the renard.

Le Renard.png

= [WIP] Features: =
-Find the remaining two pieces of the mask in a Zelda-style open world!
-Compete to be the top tournament fighter under the banner of each Lord, then turn the tables on the officials by donning the mask and undermining their entire region! (Saving the peasants in the process, of course)
-Customize your battling approach with skills and gear!
(More coming later)

= [Current] Cast =
Kari (final artwork in progress)
The main character and underappreciated
knight of The Red. She has a bit of a temper,
but has a good sense of justice and mercy.

Le Renard (final artwork in progress)
Kari's alter-ego and freer self. Wearing the
mask bolsters her confidence and that of
the people she helps.

An upbeat girl who is
Hodge's employee and suffers from narcolepsy.

Hodges (final artwork in progress)
The Red's most popular shopkeeper
and Natch's employer.

(artwork in progress)
A fox that has the habit of appearing
around Hodges' shop whenever Natch
falls asleep.


One of Kari's fellow knights who is
in love with Natch. He isn't quite
aware of her problem, and no one
has the heart to mention it to him.
= Screenshots =
Battle with Kari's sprite.PNG
= Important Notes =
-I've been trying to complete a single project for almost a year now, and hopefully this will be my first one.
-I'm slowly but steadily making progress on it. I will post a demo when it gets to a satisfactory state.
-Most of the above sprites that I have yet to create final images for are in the Fantasy Hero Pack for VX Ace (I'm actually using MV for creation), are by Katakura Hibiki and published by Degica.
-I'm using some of Ækashics' animated side-view battlers, found here:

Please leave any thoughts or suggestions below :)

Le Renard Banner for forum.png

-Kari has an animated SV battler sprite!
-Opening quest is half-done!
-Ending has been completed!
-Final Boss Battle is 75% complete!
-More maps! A small village, seaside caves, and dark forests await!

-Le Renard has an animated SV battler sprite!
-Disguise yourself with the push of a button!

-Galv's Quest Log!
Quest Log Example.PNG
-Fast Travel Preliminary Functionality Added!
-Loading Screen!
-More Music!
-World Map created and sectioned! (Using FSM resources as templates)
-Clouds where they should be!
-New font! Fira Sans Condensed!

Screenshot 2.PNG
Screenshot w new font.PNG
-Grouped Options Menu!
-Dynamic Text!
-New HUD!
Screenshot w new hud.PNG
-Numerous fixes/plugin compatibility adjustments...
-Natch has an animated SV battler sprite (and is now an archer)!
Battle with Natch's sprite.PNG
-Hit damage sounds!
-Fade effect for enemies out of range!
-More than 50% done with the story!
-Act 2 is well underway!
-Credits background has been completed!
-Combat is more balanced!
-Added Minimap functionality!
-Improved Moghunter's Fast Travel functionality!
-Added Dragonbones battlers!
-Finished much of the Minimap functionality!
-Finished first Boss Fight!
-Added a Time System!
-Added a Time of Day Tinting System!
-More story!
-Updated the story for a more exciting start!
-Edits, tweaks, and bugfixes!
-Added functionality for a Stealth-based system!

I have decided that instead of simply providing an update log, I will have a to-do list, so my progress is easier to track.

To do:

Act 1:
-Introduce Characters and World
-First Boss Fight
-Catalyst (in progress)

-Introduce Gameplay Basics (in progress)
-Send Chars a curveball (into Act 2!)

Act 2:
-Midpoint Turn
-Renard Mask Pieces (Shards) (done but untested)
-Expand upon Stealth mechanics
-Introduce the Seven Lords (Bosses)
-Landoise: Insectoid Earth Dweller
-Paari: Glacial Sea Dweller
-7 Boss fights...
-Introduce Final Boss

Act 3:
-Final Boss Battle
-Credits BG

New Game Plus

-Balance enemy levels
-Add beautifying layers to all maps
-Sprinkle treasure everywhere
-Sidequests (3 complete!)
-Side Characters
-Bugtest, bugtest, bugtest!
-Upload a Demo!

-Update Post for more story...
-Animations (and accordingly, battles) are much smoother and more fun,
(Will probably be longer till I update again; personal matters)
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I've been having trouble with Moghunter's LMBS system so far, so I won't be able to implement it until this gets resolved...
I've seen one other post on another forum about it, but it never was resolved. So I might have to use a different battle system.

On the bright side, progress is coming swimmingly!


Just a statue... right?


The concept sounds pretty cool to me, and those maps are looking nice so far - good luck with this! (cheeky)
Thanks! I've added in an intro, a bit of story so far, and a music menu.

Screenshot 2.PNG Music menu snapshot.PNG
-More than 50% done with the story!
-Act 2 is well underway!
-Credits background has been completed!
-Combat is more balanced!

-Added Minimap functionality!
-Improved Moghunter's Fast Travel functionality!
-Added Dragonbones battlers!

-Finished much of the Minimap functionality!
-Finished first Boss Fight!
-Added a Time System!
-Added a Time of Day Tinting System!
-More story!

-Updated the story for a more exciting start!
-Edits, tweaks, and bugfixes!
-Added functionality for a Stealth-based system!
(Will probably be longer till I update again; personal matters)

(I will continue to add to this list)
[doublepost=1503882025][/doublepost]==The Big Story Update==

Updates are posted at the top of the page!

-Got past writer's block; second half of story is underway!

More Images!
2nd Boss Battle.PNG
Ruins Map Screenshot.PNG
Ending View 1 finished.png

Le Renard is a fluid turn-based adventure RPG which places you within the boots of Kari, the fiery one, or Natch, the icy one, as they travel throughout Caecenia in search of the three pieces of a forgotten king's mask. Their once-peaceful village has been invaded by soldiers, and as they learn more about the kingdom's past, they realize something must be done...

The Big Story Update pt. 2!

Apologies for the long time in posting; been very busy learning new techniques (getting into GameMaker as well as other, more pressing matters)

So, without further ado, here's what I've been doing:

-Streamlined Act 2's story
-Added prelims for a calm scene
-Added new battle music

-Installed new Elemental Tilesets
-Prelims of planning 3rd boss battle

And a screenshot:

Calm Moment.PNG
-Forum is not letting me change my original post anymore so I'll have to make do with adding some...

-Added L'Ancien! Still implementing him.
-Changed/added BGM! I think the new music creates a better immersion!

-Finishing up Music additions; just got a bunch of new stuff from the Humble Bundle going on today so real excited about that

-bugfixes, new area, and almost finished with a mirage boss.

Act 1:
-Introduce Characters and World
-First Boss Fight
-Catalyst (in progress)
-Introduce Gameplay Basics (in progress)
-Send Chars a curveball (into Act 2!)

Act 2:
-Midpoint Turn
-Renard Mask Pieces (Shards) (done but untested)
-Expand upon Stealth mechanics
-Introduce the Seven Lords (Bosses)
-Landoise: Insectoid Earth Dweller
-Paari: Glacial Sea Dweller
-Mirage: Fantome du Renard
-Bantram/Parity (Untested)
-Regulus (Untested)
-Dungeon Keeper Rose
-7 Boss fights...
-Introduce Final Boss

Act 3:
-Final Boss Battle
-Credits BG
New Game Plus

-Balance enemy levels
-Add beautifying layers to all maps
-Sprinkle treasure everywhere
-Sidequests (3 complete!)
-Side Characters
-Bugtest, bugtest, bugtest!
-Upload a Demo!
[doublepost=1508520026][/doublepost]A demo video will be posted fairly shortly!

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I know it's been a while, but I'm taking a hiatus from this project. Life and writer/developer's block keep getting in the way. That being said, I have decided to upload an early demo of the game.

As it is a pre-beta game, it's far from finished, but I do appreciate any feedback that can be given. The story's not all written yet, some MP3 files haven't found their worlds, and there are two NPC's in the starting town that are a bit... shall we say, preemptive in their knowledge of late-game events. Also, the download size is almost 2GB. I plan to narrow it down in a later iteration.

Anyway, I do hope to continue working on this game at a later date--may even be tomorrow.

Sometimes, it's just difficult to keep on chugging.

If you do decide to try out this demo, please tell me what you like, dislike, would like to see more of or less of, and why.
That way you can help shape the final product :)

This is the PC version. If you'd like a Mac version, please post!
