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Krysala: Birth (Demo Available)


*DEMO NOW AVAILABLE* in the Demos and Testing section.

The demo is file is fairly large since it isn't optimized. Credits are included in the folder. Some things aren't final such as the title screen. With no ingame manual implemented yet just play around to see what can be done and shoot me any questions you have. Have fun!

Krysala: Birth is a Turn-Based (ATB) RPG inspired by the likes of Star Ocean: The Second Story, Chrono Trigger/Cross, Final Fantasy, Earthbound, etc. I'm hoping to have this on Steam in the future. I'm currently running a Kickstarter as well as a RaiseGamer to help raise awareness of my game and to help fund a Steam Greenlight. If anyone wants to playtest or give suggestions feel free. I'll update on here when I have the first demo ready (cheeky) You can also follow my page on Facebook to stay up to date with expected demo releases.

Follow a group of Aurors, mercenaries of the King, as they uncover the truth behind strange happenings in the Kingdom of Alighieri. Along the journey they will endure pain and loss while trying to piece together the events of a war that happened 20 years ago. Will they be able to save the magic of the world and, above all else, prevent the world from plunging into the second Great Krysala War?


  • Crafting System
    With a low capacity of items to carry, your ability to craft necessary items becomes vital to your survival. From crafting new weapons to fight with to cooking food to keep yourself healthy, the crafting system will become an intricate part of your success.
  • Strategic Combat
    With each character having unique uses and the ability to switch party members during combat you'll be able to better combat the variety of enemies you'll encounter.
  • Deep Ability System
    Each character can be equipped with a variety of Krysala in order to gain access to spells they wouldn't normally have. Different combinations of Krysala can even unlock more powerful spells to decimate foes with. Characters can even master Dual-Techs allowing your team to work together to unleash devastating attacks.
    Discover hidden Techs by using your existing ones multiple times!

  • No Grinding Required
    Your party doesn't gain experience from battling. You level only after defeating major bosses throughout the game. Instead, you are rewarded with crafting materials from almost every enemy allowing you to craft a variety of useful items.
  • Bestiary
    Full in-game bestiary to allow you to properly plan out your future battles. With the inclusion of enemy loot you can locate precious crafting materials more easily in order to create your most powerful recipes.
  • Amazing Soundtrack
    An amazing ensemble of tracks by the RPG Maker community.
  • I will try to reveal 1 character each day (or so) in no particular order. Things are subject to change. Don't get too attached to any of them... for reasons.

    Serena.png Serena Age:19

    Serena hails from the Eastern Country of Ollivander. She witnessed the murder of her parents at the age of 12 and has lived on the streets since. When she was 17 Xavier found her and has since trained her to be a merciless killing machine in the ranks of the Aurors... well, almost. Serena still keeps a chipper attitude about most things, but when the going gets tough she won't hesitate to pull the trigger. Then pull it again. Then again. She might also throw a grenade. Who knows; just take cover.

    Strengths: Serena specializes in the use of guns and explosives. Using her secondary weapon slot to equip various types of ammo, she is capable of changing her approach between battles. Serena is also the only character able to carry bombs into battle. These two strategies combine to give Serena the highest physical damage output in the game.

    Magic: Aligning herself as a Green Element, Serena is the only character with natural access to all Green spells. This means that she is capable of unleashing powerful status effects such as Poison and can even cast evasive buffs on allies.

    Weaknesses: Serena is by far the most fragile character. With low HP, Def, and MagDef the weak Light and General Armor that she can equip doesn't help very much. Without taking advantage of her ability to avoid damage (usually by hiding) she won't survive long at all.

    Conner.png Conner Age: 19

    Conner was born and raised in the Village of Tolkien. With his mother dying from an illness when he was 12 and his father having left when he was a baby, Conner has been taken care of by his grandfather along with his sister Jessi. He spends most of his days exploring the Old Woods in search of adventure and conversing with the fairies that reside there. When Xavier and Serena show up one day, Conner can't wait for the opportunity to see the world outside of his confinement. The events that set this in motion, however...

    Strengths: Conner uses the traditional sword and shield in combat. His attacks may come at a slower pace compared to someone like Serena or Derek, but his damage with each individual attack makes up for it. With his Techs revolving around high single target damage, Conner can devastate single foes. Possessing moderate defenses also allows him to stay in the fight longer and leaves him as a well rounded character.

    Magic: Aligning himself as a Red Element, Conner has natural access to all Red spells. With an arsenal of high damage single target spells, he can exploit a targets low MagDef if his ATK just isn't "cutting" it. Red spells also come with the ability to buff a party members damage output giving Conner the ability to raise his allies' killing power.

    : Conner is by far the most well rounded character. His only real downfalls are his low MAG and AGI, however he more than makes up for that with his ability to buff himself and take a few hits between attacks.

    Lucas.png 1UC@$ a.k.a Lucas Age: 0

    Little is known about OneYo... WonYuc... Lucas. Lucas was found guarding one of the Krysalas; badly damaged and malfunctioning. After the battle over the stone, Lucas absorbed a large portion of the Krysala's energy and regained his power. Unfortunately, his HHD was wiped and he retained only portions of his RAM. Lucas was now a baby. A strange cybernetic baby.

    Strengths: Lucas is capable of using either long-range pulse blasts while barehanded or laser swords for up close attacks. This allows him to fight effectively from either the front or back lines during battle. While he has overall low stats, Lucas makes up for this by being able to use a variety of different abilities and can fulfill almost any party role (partially) when needed. His ability to quickly transfer equipment means he's also the only character that can change his gear during battle.

    Magic: Aligning himself as a Purple Element, Lucas has ability to cast the mysterious Purple spells. These spells give him a large variety of abilities so that he can adapt to any situation. Time magic, healing, offense, status effects. You name it and this baby has it (he just can't say it).

    Weaknesses: While Lucas can do anything, he excels at nothing. This is his biggest flaw. His best use is to constantly switch roles while supporting the people who specialize at what it is Lucas is still learning to do. Give him a break; he really was born yesterday.

    Jonathan.png Jonathan Age: 46

    Jonathan once lived in a small village on the continent of Alderaan. 20 years ago he fought in the Great Krysala war alongside the Capital. Many of his people saw him as a traitor since he participated in the attempted genocide of the Fae people of Alderaan. During a raid on a town, Jonathan witnessed the execution of a young couple while their small child watched. Enveloped in rage, Jonathan murdered his entire squad before rescuing the child. He was now a traitor to both sides of the world. Jonathan now lives as an outlaw and bounty hunter alongside his new partner, Derek.

    Strengths: Jonathan makes use of a long katana in battle. While his damage is respectable, his real power comes in his high defensive stats and his ability to protect his allies. Due to his need for redemption, Jonathan won't hesitate to die for an ally in combat.

    Magic: Aligning himself as a White Element, Jonathan specializes in healing and protecting his friends. The White Element also brings with it a few highly powerful spells that are made for eliminating evil.

    Weaknesses: Jonathan's only real weakness is his lack of damaging abilities. While his basic attacks do moderate damage his main source of damage will come from counters and even inflicting damage to himself in order to decimate his foes.

    Jessi.png Jessi Age: 17

    Jessi is the younger sister to Conner. Raised by their grandfather, who happens to be the village elder, they have pretty much done what they wished. Jessi has developed a very "love-hate" relationship with her brother. She basically causes trouble and makes his life a living Hell... and he still loves her. Jessi's natural affinity for healing magic has led to her becoming the village nurse (when she's actually around to do her job). She may come across as a little "catty", but deep down Jessi has a heart of gold (just no soul... ginger and all).

    Strengths: Jessi utilizes a bow in battle making her ideal for the back lines. While also being able to equip different types of arrows, she can add various attributes to her attacks such as the ability to charm enemies or heal allies. This coupled with her natural talent for healing make Jessi the ideal medic.

    Magic: Aligning herself as a Blue Element, Jessi learns a wide variety of healing and support magic. Her few offensive spells also bring with them the perk of granting her extra TP resulting in her using her Techs more often. Blue Elements also have access to a few vital control type spells and the only revival spell.

    Weaknesses: Jessi comes with a couple weaknesses. These being her low defensive stats and ATK. Keeping her on the back line is vital in keeping her alive and her bow will allow her to do the same damage regardless. If Jessi dies, your team won't be far behind. Gotta protect your medics.
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I'm almost at the point to release a demo so when I get there I'm going to also put together a gameplay video (with probably bad editing since I suck at it lol). As far as characters, I'll see what I can get on here sometime tomorrow.


Dragon Goddess
Awesome I look forward to it! I love reading about characters :D and hey don't worry about it, we all get better through practice!


First character profile is up and I'll try to keep them coming pretty regularly.
[doublepost=1463857262,1463728018][/doublepost]Conner.png Conner Age: 19

Conner was born and raised in the Village of Tolkien. With his mother dying from an illness when he was 12 and his father having left when he was a baby, Conner has been taken care of by his grandfather along with his sister Jessi. He spends most of his days exploring the Old Woods in search of adventure and conversing with the fairies that reside there. When Xavier and Serena show up one day, Conner can't wait for the opportunity to see the world outside of his confinement. The events that set this in motion, however...

Strengths: Conner uses the traditional sword and shield in combat. His attacks may come at a slower pace compared to someone like Serena or Derek, but his damage with each individual attack makes up for it. With his Techs revolving around high single target damage, Conner can devastate single foes. Possessing moderate defenses also allows him to stay in the fight longer and leaves him as a well rounded character.

Magic: Aligning himself as a Red Element, Conner has natural access to all Red spells. With an arsenal of high damage single target spells, he can exploit a targets low MagDef if his ATK just isn't "cutting" it. Red spells also come with the ability to buff a party members damage output giving Conner the ability to raise his allies' killing power.

: Conner is by far the most well rounded character. His only real downfalls are his low MAG and AGI, however he more than makes up for that with his ability to buff himself and take a few hits between attacks.
[doublepost=1463936314][/doublepost]Lucas.png 1UC@$ a.k.a Lucas Age: 0

Little is known about OneYo... WonYuc... Lucas. Lucas was found guarding one of the Krysalas; badly damaged and malfunctioning. After the battle over the stone, Lucas absorbed a large portion of the Krysala's energy and regained his power. Unfortunately, his HHD was wiped and he retained only portions of his RAM. Lucas was now a baby. A strange cybernetic baby.

Strengths: Lucas is capable of using either long-range pulse blasts while barehanded or laser swords for up close attacks. This allows him to fight effectively from either the front or back lines during battle. While he has overall low stats, Lucas makes up for this by being able to use a variety of different abilities and can fulfill almost any party role (partially) when needed. His ability to quickly transfer equipment means he's also the only character that can change his gear during battle.

Magic: Aligning himself as a Purple Element, Lucas has ability to cast the mysterious Purple spells. These spells give him a large variety of abilities so that he can adapt to any situation. Time magic, healing, offense, status effects. You name it and this baby has it (he just can't say it).

Weaknesses: While Lucas can do anything, he excels at nothing. This is his biggest flaw. His best use is to constantly switch roles while supporting the people who specialize at what it is Lucas is still learning to do. Give him a break; he really was born yesterday.


Jonathan.png Jonathan Age: 46

Jonathan once lived in a small village on the continent of Alderaan. 20 years ago he fought in the Great Krysala war alongside the Capital. Many of his people saw him as a traitor since he participated in the attempted genocide of the Fae people of Alderaan. During a raid on a town, Jonathan witnessed the execution of a young couple while their small child watched. Enveloped in rage, Jonathan murdered his entire squad before rescuing the child. He was now a traitor to both sides of the world. Jonathan now lives as an outlaw and bounty hunter alongside his new partner, Derek.

Strengths: Jonathan makes use of a long katana in battle. While his damage is respectable, his real power comes in his high defensive stats and his ability to protect his allies. Due to his need for redemption, Jonathan won't hesitate to die for an ally in combat.

Magic: Aligning himself as a White Element, Jonathan specializes in healing and protecting his friends. The White Element also brings with it a few highly powerful spells that are made for eliminating evil.

Weaknesses: Jonathan's only real weakness is his lack of damaging abilities. While his basic attacks do moderate damage his main source of damage will come from counters and even inflicting damage to himself in order to decimate his foes.


Not sure if intentional or not, but just letting you know that Alderaan (I'm pretty sure it's even spelled the same) is a planet in the Star Wars universe. A rather important one as well I'm told. Just something letting you know in case ya wanted to rename it haha


Lol. It was intentional. All the places in the game are named after books/movies. However, my wife and I have been debating on changing it anyway.
The continent is also destroyed prior to the games start xD


Oh in that case, awesome lol. Haven't read up on the project yet, just saw the latest post and was like oh someone should make sure xD Looking forward to more bios :D


Thanks for looking out lol
Jessi.png Jessi Age: 17

Jessi is the younger sister to Conner. Raised by their grandfather, who happens to be the village elder, they have pretty much done what they wished. Jessi has developed a very "love-hate" relationship with her brother. She basically causes trouble and makes his life a living Hell... and he still loves her. Jessi's natural affinity for healing magic has led to her becoming the village nurse (when she's actually around to do her job). She may come across as a little "catty", but deep down Jessi has a heart of gold (just no soul... ginger and all).

Strengths: Jessi utilizes a bow in battle making her ideal for the back lines. While also being able to equip different types of arrows, she can add various attributes to her attacks such as the ability to charm enemies or heal allies. This coupled with her natural talent for healing make Jessi the ideal medic.

Magic: Aligning herself as a Blue Element, Jessi learns a wide variety of healing and support magic. Her few offensive spells also bring with them the perk of granting her extra TP resulting in her using her Techs more often. Blue Elements also have access to a few vital control type spells and the only revival spell.

Weaknesses: Jessi comes with a couple weaknesses. These being her low defensive stats and ATK. Keeping her on the back line is vital in keeping her alive and her bow will allow her to do the same damage regardless. If Jessi dies, your team won't be far behind. Gotta protect your medics.