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/kor teks/ [project development - pase I]



Now that I have the time and am comfortable with the current version of the story (the details are subject to change as I work on the project over the next Nth months...) I wanted to do a field test of the synopsis.

Influenced by works to include Mulholland Drive, Waking Life, Ubik, and Heavy Rain - /kor teks/ is set in a modern but alternate world and follows a set cast of four characters during a time of war that engages players through narrative and intelligent dialog. The title will be non-commercial and told in a chapter format.

Anyway, feel free to leave criticisms, questions, or thoughts on this small starting point.


Liliana Caesar was elected as Minister of Tormin in 532 for a 15-year term. In her first few years, Minister Caesar redeveloped the economic structure of Tormin to foster cultural and technological growth. Her plans to integrate the nation back onto the global scene by reducing their military presence proved effective but came with a price. By 545, Tormin was a global leader in technology and offered humanitarian aid at every opportunity. However, Tomin was also being isolated. Neighboring nations began slowly encroaching on Tormian borders and being idle in response to the ongoing attrition - the nation was divided.

In the spring of 546 Tormin erupts into a civil war when Tormian General Alfonso Vidal conducts a military coup d'état, assassinating Minister Caesar on the capitol during a public address calling for unity in standing down against their dwindling borders.

Fierce fighting and social tension emboldened the divide: To the west - the Caesarian Revanchists and to the east - New Torminian Republic (NTR).

By the spring of 547, the Caesarian Revanchists were able to move the frontline ahead to the NTR capitol walls, poised to overrun the capitol within a week of occupation. However, CR leaders sought unconditional surrender and scheduled a meeting with Gen. Vidal and his cadre. During peace talks, both armies prepared for diplomatic failure and tensions remain.

Willem and his crew (Nazia, Iwa, and Jason) have been assigned to Post Delta 54 as their final duty assignment before they’re released to return home. While deployed they may come to find the price of victory is greater than the cost of defeat.
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What can you tell us about the game?
Well, so far I've finished all the writing as far as story and most of the dialog script - so it flows and gives me a course to follow in terms of other development aspects.

I can tell you the visual end is far more daunting than anticipated so I'll likely outsource it.

If you mean in terms of mechanics and play style:

Players aren't able to pick their character starting class but will have the ability to branch into one of two specialties. For example:

Combat Medic - Chaplain / Pararescue

The core class here resembles pretty much your healer class. Not the best front line combatant, but needed. When players acquire enough level to specialize, they pick one of two, while retaining all skills of the core. Specializations add additional skills and alter stats. For example the chaplain offers more of a spiritual healing so is more adept at cleansing (debuff and buff) but less adept at fighting than the medic core. Pararescue grants things like stronger and more immediate healing as well as a better fighter but lacks cleansing and full HP recover or resurrect at full and clear. Each class also has a "super" ability usable only once per battle. Force recon, for example can call an air strike all enemies at high variance of damage and no insta-kill, while the special forces engineer can call artillery to one enemy, insta-kill except bosses.

There is no world map, as the game takes place in chapters along several maps that focus on events spanning months at a time.

Is that what you're looking for?
Would like to see some character profiles in the future. :)
When I fully settle on a few details, sure.... not sure how dark I want to make them, or how deeply layered I want the players to need to look to really extract the core feeling I'm attempting. When I send it to you, I think I'll have to explain the end game to have the impact make sense


Dragon Goddess
Well, I was just asking because I think a good way to draw gamers/readers into a story is to give a brief overview of the main character(s) from the get-go. If I see a character I can relate to a little bit, I might be more interested in a game because I'd want to see what happens to that character over the course of the story--thus becoming invested enough to want to try the game/read the story.

I am a huge fan of little lore tidbits like that.