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Kickstarter and RPG Maker games...


Towns Guard
So I've been working on the demo of my game for a hand full of months and I've seriously been considering kickstarter. I've done all I could to make the game look and feel like it's own thing (not rpg maker looking). That said, I know rpg maker games and kickstarter have some bad blood because of some of the not so professional projects that it's hatched and the abuse of rtp assets.

Great games like Eb and Mad father have managed to capture an audience thanks to it's storytelling and tone, dispite having being very clearly rpg maker products. So my question is, I am being unrealistic for thinking about kickstarter as a fincance solution?


Staff member
I have seen a few successful Kickstarter campaigns. A few failed on first attempt, and worked more on it, and were successful on the second or third attempts. I have seen some games torn to pieces because of improper English usage. So I highly recommend you have the dialogue's wordings be correct. It is rough. Make sure you have at least ten people already committed to back it within the first 24 hours.


Towns Guard
Oh, the 24h commitment idea is genious! Thanks, that's already motivating.
[doublepost=1480391395,1480391043][/doublepost]Is there a sort of safe range for the goal amount? I have done the math based on my cost of living, but Idk if there's a sort of price range that is standard for these sorts of indie games. I mean, hell, Shovel knight needed 75,000$ cause they were a large team with C coding, while undertale was 5,000$ cause he was just a dude developping on gamemaker from his moms basement.


Staff member
I have seen some RPG Maker VX Ace games raise over $100K, and I have seen others have a goal of $500 and get no funders. How large of a following do you have? How many small games haves you provided for free?


Towns Guard
Hard to say, I would estimate my following at 50+. I was hoping to work on that by joining this forum. Not to mention that lot of them are francophones (I'm from Canada, Quebec) so there is a language barrier problem that I need to address. I also have a joke twitter account of one of my game's character -> Margaret, the retired love robot (Expect a few sex joke.)<- that is almost at 300 followers.

As for free games, I've worked on a dating sim with a few friends. -> Mahou Shojo Blood <- It isn't at the quality level I'd like yet and we had some big problems in the development and in the team.

You question did make me realize my situation could be better. Is the answer to release a few free projects to get early interest?


Staff member
I am from a Cajun French heritage so I have some French culture. I highly recommend for you to let people know what kind of games you make, by making short games and demos. This takes time and time investment.