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Keeping Track of Credits?

Lark Monster

Towns Guard
While I highly doubt I'd ever actually release a game or have the need to keep track of which resources were made by whom, I still would like some way to keep track of them just in case. The problem I find is that most resources aren't named to have the creators name, and I always seem to forget where/who made what.

So, how do you all keep track of resources you download and their creators? I could always just rename the files to have the creators name...or just make a separate folder for each creator...or...something. Typing it all out in a notepad/word file somewhere feels like a lot of work too...but in the off chance I do need to know it for later I'd like to be able to find it easily. Any suggestions?


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
I typically keep a notepad file for any project I'm working on, and just add folks to the credits as-needed. Sometimes I'll put a "?" by their name if I'm not sure whether or not I'll be keeping their work in.

Lark Monster

Towns Guard
Thanks Amy, that's a good idea. I ended up starting a google docs file and am listing things under categories, then listing each person and their resources I am using (so far). I always seem to lose track of notepad files so this seems easier...I hope!!


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Haha, sounds like a plan! Having categories is nice, because then you can always use Ctrl+F and search for whatever section you need. ^^ (cute)

Gotta love staying organized!


Staff member
What I do is make sure that I have their names as part of the image/audio/plugin file name. Let's say I have a commissioned faceset down by Amysaurus. This is how I may save the file "GoblinsFaces_by_Amysaurus.png". By doing this it helps me have easier access to knowing all the different contributors to the project.
I, too, use creators' names in filenames, but if I can't find the name of the original creator, I put the website I found it on (making sure it's not one of those resource leeching sites, of course) and have a separate Notepad file with the website's link. I used to put things in categories, but just have them all in one place, usually under a folder named the same as the project's.
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Lark Monster

Towns Guard
I initially downloaded a lot of things because it was all so new and exciting, so unfortunately I have a lot of files that I have no idea who they belong to, oops. So I have a folder of that stuff set aside, and hope to find the creators name eventually to change the filename and add to my list with categories if I decide to use it.


When I start a project, I usually keep a running list of contributors in game. I usually just name it credits, so I can credit anyone whose resources I use in my project. I will also add their name in the filename so I can access it again in other projects.