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Kattz Bounty -Tentative title (Demo)

Kattz Bounty -Tentative title (Demo) Demo v.2

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Izeck submitted a new resource:

Kattz Bounty -Tentative title (Demo) - Early preview of my project.

Game Synopsis:

The town of Almero is well known for its Hunter Academy. People from all over the lands come to this Academy to become licensed Hunters (Bounty hunters of a sort).

When a student completes their training, as a rite of passage, they are given a simple task. Upon completing this test they are granted full privileges and the rank of Hunter. While some choose to leave and become freelance Hunters and travel the world; others stay and continue to take on...
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Praised Adventurer
Looks and sounds very interesting, but alas my light sensitive eyes almost burn at the sight of those sharp tiles. I wouldn't be able to play it, but it does look interesting, so good luck with it! xD


Looks and sounds very interesting, but alas my light sensitive eyes almost burn at the sight of those sharp tiles. I wouldn't be able to play it, but it does look interesting, so good luck with it! xD
Thank you.

What do you mean by "Light sensitive" anything I can do to accomodate you?


So I've played up to the part where I've fallen. I fought my first pair of spiders.

Now first of all I want to say that I will play more and give a better review at a later date, and also I do not wish for you to take what I say as
being rude or anything, these are just my opinions.

Anyway, let me start by saying I'm a big fan of the menu design. I too am using the quest system in my game and I think that was a great move for this.

The graphics so far are... a little hard to look at for me. If you're trying to go for a "dark" tone or something to fit the games style, I think it might be better to find a different way. The over-sensitivity of everything is a little bit of a turn off for playing the game, but that is just my opinion.
I don't feel I've played long enough to judge the map design.

The music, I believe that music makes half the game, sets tones, brings emotion and such. Using the default RPG maker music, feels somewhat generic as so many games do that, and it does turn people away from the game. There are plenty of fantastic artists out there who give their music out for free use.

One thing I noticed during the first battle is when I went through the tutorial it was set to default on the I want to hear it again. That's something I would very much advise against. I'd suggest setting choices to nothing as default, that way your players aren't pressing things they don't mean to as the dialogue progresses.

As I said, I will play more and give more feedback on the rest, and I apologize this was a little more negative than positive, but I'm only trying to help. We RPG maker devs need to stick together right? Haha.


I appreciate you taking the time to give some feedback (There hasn't been much feedback on this). I've taken notes and will be doing some changes. I've already changed most of the music in the game, but haven't updated the demo to reflect that.

I hadn't taken into account the choices thin. I will be doing that.

The tileset was marely an edit of the RTP, just trying to give it a different appearance. I've started to make may own (You can see a preview in the demo's page).

Thank you for the feedback. I look forward to hearing more of it.


I appreciate you taking the time to give some feedback (There hasn't been much feedback on this). I've taken notes and will be doing some changes. I've already changed most of the music in the game, but haven't updated the demo to reflect that.

I hadn't taken into account the choices thin. I will be doing that.

The tileset was marely an edit of the RTP, just trying to give it a different appearance. I've started to make may own (You can see a preview in the demo's page).

Thank you for the feedback. I look forward to hearing more of it.
Yeah not a problem. I understand not having much feedback. I've tried hard to get my project out in the world and I've only gotten a few comments here and there. So I figured hey, I know how much it means to people to have their games played and reviewed, so why don't I become a guy that searches the forums and takes interest in others projects! If you're anything like me you love hearing anything people say about your project haha.


Praised Adventurer
@Izeck ...

I find it to be quite a dis-incentive to have so large a file to upload, then install, to try out a Demo. I realise that it is sometimes unavoidable, but there are also ways of limiting the Resources, more especially if it's not the complete Game. I have no hesitation, however, in trying out a Demo hosted on a web site, as I can then play the Demo with no downloading at all. Maybe it's just me being a lazy so-and-so.

That being said, I've downloaded the v2 just the same, and will give it a spin. [Terminator] "I'll be back..!" [/Terminator]