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It's Dangerous To Go Alone


I'm working on my first project EVER and I would like to get some feedback or even some help for you guys.

So the game is actually about recruiting EVERYTHING. Literally, you can recruit every living thing. And also some undead ones.
Almost each NPC will have a hidden event that will trigger and make it join your crew.
That's what the title stands for. You don't have to go alone on your journey because that is just dangerous!
In the first town there will be a man who explains that there is some Dark Lord who terrorizes the nearby towns. When you recruited enough things to even think you are able to defeat the Dark Lord you will enter his castle and realize that there is no evil man. It's just the King who's name is "Dark". You will be able to kill him or let him alive (choice will depends on the ending of the game). The real culprit will be the Priest who you met during the game in a catherdral. He will be the man behind the sumonning of the demons. When you arrive he will summon the Demon Lord.
Besides that I don't really have a storyline in mind. I'm currently only developping the characters and enemies
If I played an RPG I always got excited about wich members I would get through the story of the game.

But I never had a feeling it was enough. I hoped that every monster in the game could join my crew and I could train them.

That's also the explanation why I love Pokémon so much. Because you can CATCH 'EM ALL!

Besides from recruiting everything there must be something else to make this game unique or better. Because with just 100 monsters you can recruit would be nothing.

That's why I thought about 2 other mechanics:

  1. Fusion
    When you have a lot of monsters or thingies at your disposal you should use them but it would be more fun if you could FUSION them!
    There will be some humans in the game who will be recruitable. So what if you could use monsters and a human to fusion them and make a powerfull thing in battle?
    With some combined attacks of the two things that were fusioned.
  2. Transform Weapons
    Maybe a lot of monsters wouldn't be that great. What if you could use these monsters to transform them into a weapon and use the monsters special abilities on the weapon
    wich will be only usable for humans.
Besides from the special stuff we still need to put some basics in the game...

  1. Healing your party
    This will be done at a healing fountain. At this fountain you will also be able to do point 2 and here will the trigger be to recruit Guardian Fairy.
  2. Switching party members
    When you have a lot of people in your team you should be able to customize your party to use the ones you like or to change them to trigger special events.
    I still have now idea how to make it. Need help with this!
  3. Shop
    You will be able to recruit a shop keeper on a special occasion. Futher details are unknown.

Hero: Some name, I don't know yet. Maybe I will call him just Hero. This will be the character that will be unchangable during the entire game. This character will be able to use all the fusions

and all of the monster-transformed-weapons.

Slime: a standard enemy that is the first one to join your crew.

Fairy: a "enemy" wich is only able to heal except if you train her she will get some damage abilities from the dark side. This one joins your journey as second character and is the second daughter of the Guardian Fairy.

LIlly: a Dark fairy who will join you on your journey through a speical event. This fairy drains life from other people to heal other characters or herself. She is the last daughter of the Guardian Fairy. She has a character type who is childish.

Fiary2: This is the first daughter of the Guardian Fairy and has a character type who is always bored. You will have to go through some events to recruit this character.

Guardian Fairy: The Guardian Fairy will join your team when you have gathered all 3 fairies in the game and have defeated her with your main character and the 3 fairies. She has a character type wich she thinks she is the mightiest of them all.

Snowman: This character is a human made of snow. HIs abilities will mostly be ice/snow typed. Further details are unknown.

Zero: A magician who will be weak in the beginning of the game but will get stronger each time you face him and will be available to recruit. This character will only be in the story of the game when you triggered an event in the First Town of the game.

Hola Skeleton(name not confirmed): This character will join you through the storyline. This character loves dancing and singing despite she can't. She even things she is hot but she IS a skeleton...
Special ability:
Karmakarmakarmka-healeon: just a normal heal but she sings it in the stile of the song "Culture Club-Karma Chameleon".
That's all for now I have in mind.

So I'm asking you guys if someone has some better ideas or will be able to help me with realizing this game.

I can use the help and you will get all the credit you want.

Thanks in advance!


In my opinion, for a first project, this is raising the bar too high. It sounds really rough to be keeping track of so many different characters.


In my opinion, for a first project, this is raising the bar too high. It sounds really rough to be keeping track of so many different characters.
Well first I'm gonna make the game without the special stuff in it (weapons + transform) and just work with the basics and see where that goes.

Bizarre Monkey

That's ambitious!

I say go for it.

Worst case scenario, you learn to think a little smaller next time.

Best case scenario, you make a really good game!

I myself, am guilty of entertaining over-ambitious projects.

Difference between me and most is that every damn time I actually manage to finish them and finish them in a good way.

But this isn't my power alone, if you wanna do it, I say go nuts!


That's ambitious!

I say go for it.

Worst case scenario, you learn to think a little smaller next time.

Best case scenario, you make a really good game!

I myself, am guilty of entertaining over-ambitious projects.

Difference between me and most is that every damn time I actually manage to finish them and finish them in a good way.

But this isn't my power alone, if you wanna do it, I say go nuts!
Wow thanks for the pep talk :p it is pretty big and I could use some help. Interested? ;)

Bizarre Monkey

Wow thanks for the pep talk :p it is pretty big and I could use some help. Interested? ;)
No. I'm busy enough with my own projects.

Besides, it would be beneficial to you as a learner to make your first project ever as much by yourself as possible. I say this from experience.
Great idea, love the concept and the title is perfect. In my opinion and from past experience, this is a little bit too big for a first project but nevertheless I think you should go for it. How else are you going to learn?